20. Even Evil Has Limitations

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It was simple for Winnie to track Jesper, considering she already knew his exact placements and jobs for every day of the week.

She had worked out that the best place to grab him would be when he was leaving his break at the Crow Club to head to his shift at Fifth Harbour.

He always gambled during his break, and Jesper Fahey was not a man made of luck. He often lost and that put him in a bad mood. He would be distracted, most likely under the influence of a few rounds of kvas and so won't be paying attention to his surroundings.

Winnie had discovered something about herself during her training. Something she had not yet shown to anyone. A new ability.

She could disappear.

Using the shadows, Winnie could focus her energy into becoming one, allowing her to disappear from sight and travel along them to another destination.

She cursed herself when she discovered she could pull it off easily. She could've escaped Ravka much sooner than she had, escaped Kaz Brekker even faster. But it was too late for that now. She was in too deep.

She had been wondering if her father knew that their shadow summoning abilities allowed them to disappear and appear at will, and if he had, what other uses of the shadows had he hid from her to keep her under his control?

Winnie was using this newfound ability to stay hidden outside the Crow Club awaiting Jesper's exit.

He stumbled out of the doors a few minutes after his break was supposed to end.


Winnie's predictions about Jesper's post-break state had been all too accurate. On his way down to the harbour, Jesper could barely walk in a straight line and was mumbling to himself something about a cheating bastard at the table he had been playing on.

Winnie felt a small smile creep onto her face as she followed him in the shadows. How she had missed him and his stupidity.

She wasn't given much time to reminisce, however, as Jesper turned round a corner into the private alleyway only used by Dreg's members which gave them quick access to the harbour.

This was where Winnie had planned to grab him. Minimal chance of people getting in the way. Kaz trusted Jesper enough on his own so he wouldn't have posted anyone to watch if he got there or not, meaning no interruptions from other Dregs.

Winnie found herself frozen in her place.

Was she really about to do this? Was she really going to take one of her closest friends to Pekka Rollins? Could she bring herself to do it?

You are as beautiful as you are terrifying.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Jesper had spoken those words to her some weeks ago, but Winnie had kept them close to her heart. It was one of the few things that stopped her from completely letting go of her character when she was working for the Dime Lions.

How could she put him in danger?

But she had no choice.

"Hi Jesper", Winnie stopped the Zemeni sharpshooter in his tracks.

During his walk the kvas had begun to wear off so Jesper was beginning to think a little straighter.

"Look who it is. The Dime Lioness", Jesper remarked in a rude tone.

"Don't call me that."

"Well, what else would you prefer? I have quite an extensive list of names for you right now."

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