16. Love Doesn't Bother with the Devil

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It took exactly three minutes between Inej's exit and Winnie's entrance to his office, leaving Kaz no time to think through what he wanted to say to the girl.

He was currently riding off emotion, and that wasn't like him at all. It meant that even he didn't know what would come out of his mouth, and that was dangerous, especially in matters concerning the one person who could match him on a good day.

"Close the door", Kaz said to Winnie when he saw her walk in.

He tried to maintain his usual expressionless face and blank tone, but he didn't know how long that would last.

"Sit", he added once she had closed the door.

He noticed she too was wearing her business face, one that made it impossible for the other to read what she was thinking or feeling. It only added to his current infuriation.

Winnie sat down opposite him and crossed her legs. He noticed she was again wearing the same outfit from that morning. The top that fitted her so perfectly in a colour that bought out the light in her eyes. Clearly purposeful to really show those around her when she was in control of her powers before they changed into a pure black which matched the skirt she wore. It had a slit down the right side which Kaz sometimes found his eyes lingering on whenever she would sit down.

"It has come to my attention that you and Jesper have engaged in some type of relationship with one another. I want to make it perfectly clear that I understand what happens in your personal lives has nothing to do with me, but I see the need to get involved when it has the possibility of affecting my business. Considering the two of you are both important members of the Dregs, I need to know exactly what is going on so I can make arrangements accordingly", he managed to get out, keeping his emotions at bay, letting Dirtyhands take the wheel.

Winnie raised her chin and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ok, before I tell you anything I want to know how you found out", she asked in the tone that made Kaz foam at the mouth. It was the tone she used when she was trying to best him in an argument, a tone he couldn't fight against.

"Inej told me", he breathed out, his anger at the boiling point.

"Right, I've got to give props to Jesper, then, I was convinced he would have told you everything the second I walked off", she said with a small smile.

Kaz watched her every move, daring her to try and lie to him again. He would unleash hell.

"But I must say, Inej has it all wrong. Jesper and I haven't, as you put it, engaged in a relationship."

That's it.

"Don't lie to me", Kaz sneered, his gloved fingers gripping the side of his desk as he slowly pulled himself up from the chair.

Winnie saw the look in his eyes, he was pissed, and she loved it.

"I'm not lying to you. We aren't in a relationship. We're just friends", she explained calmly.

"Listen to me very carefully, Marth. Nothing stands in the way of me and success in the Barrel. Having two of my crows fooling around almost guarantees failure. Especially when those two people are immature, mischevious individuals like yourself and Jesper. You spit one more lie to me, and I'll rip your tongue out to make sure you can never say one again. Do I make myself clear?"

Winnie let a full smile creep onto her lips as she slowly stood up to reach Kaz's level whilst also leaning over the desk to get closer to his face.

"Crystal. But I'll repeat myself once more considering you can't see honesty even when it slaps you in the face. Jesper and I aren't in a relationship. If I have to repeat that one more time the person getting something ripped off their face will be you, Brekker. Now, do make myself clear?"

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