22. You Are Light, Pure Light

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Winnie woke up with a sudden gasp and was in a cold sweat.

She looked around briefly and recognised the black and gold bedsheets she was wrapped in.

The familiar banging of a cane came around the corner and Kaz Brekker was standing in front of her.

He looked exactly the same as he always did. Dressed in the same predominantly black suit with hints of gold and silver, his crow head cane in his right hand and his dark brown hair neatly styled.

Something was new, however.

There was a familiar looking bruise plastered around his neck.

One that she only recognised from creating them at her own hands.

"Are you ok?" Kaz asked with concern as he practically ran through the archway.

"I don't know", Winnie answered honestly.

Kaz slowed his pace and walked over to his bed, before standing at the end.

"What's the last thing you remember?" he asked gently.

Winnie racked her brain for a minute trying to figure out what she could remember.

"Your voice", she whispered as she raised her gaze to meet his eyes.

"I remember your voice. You had just come into the room where they had ... Jesper. Saints! Where is he? Is he ok?" she started panicking as she remembered the state Pekka and his men had left Jesper in.

"Jesper is fine and just as irritating as before", Kaz replied, still maintaining his gentle tone.

"I still need to see him", she demanded as she tried to get up from the bed.

Kaz quickly lifted his cane over the end of the bed and rested it across her legs.

"You will, but right now you need to rest. What was it that I said?" Kaz questioned.

Winnie gave Kaz a disapproving glare, but she saw the look in his eyes and knew he wasn't going to budge. She was too tired to argue with him, and so with a roll of her eyes she slumped herself back on his bed.

"You told Pekka not to touch me and also used a word I am too nice to repeat. You sounded pretty riled up back there, Brekker."


Kaz had missed the way she said his name.

"So, you don't remember anything beyond that?"

"It appears not. But if you could possibly explain how I ended up in your bed, that would be extremely helpful", she said with small smile.

Kaz had missed her smile.

He took a deep breath and sat himself down on the end of the bed. He knew she wasn't going to like what he had to say one bit.

"I'll make you a deal", he started.

Winnie scoffed, "Nothing has changed much around here I see."

"Just hear me out for once, Marth. I'll tell you what you want to know and in return you don't freak out on me."

Winnie sat up and crossed her legs under the warm sheets. Kaz's words had put her on edge but had also increased her curiosity.

"Deal", she said blankly.



He entered the room and saw the blonde-haired girl in Pekka's grasp. He initially wondered why she didn't have him in a chokehold of shadows until he saw the look in her eyes.

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