11. The Darkness Inside

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It was no secret that Kaz and Winnie had a distaste towards each other.

One of the biggest tip offs was that the two avoided spending time alone together like it was the plague.

So, as they walked through the dark and crowded streets of Ketterdam towards Winnie's first job, the atmosphere was strange to say the least.

Winnie was trying to keep up with Kaz's hurried pace, which surprised her considering he had a limp that would falter any other persons walk, but not Kaz Brekkers.

She occupied her time during the silent journey by looking at the stars that shone brightly in between the gaps above her. She only averted her gaze when she almost walked into another person or when Kaz took a turn around a corner.

The stars used to be a comfort to the girl. A place she could dream of visiting. A place free of her father and the darkness he bought out of her. They reminded her that light still shines despite being surrounded by darkness.

But now she looked at them and was instead reminded of her past life in Ravka, and with that the traumatic memories invaded her mind. Memories she tried her best to push back, to push away the darkness that would follow them. She needed to stay strong, to keep the light side of her at the wheel.

Wysteria Kirigan may have dreamed of living amongst the stars, but Winnie Marth dreamed of becoming one.

"We're almost there".

A low and stern voice broke her out of her thoughts, causing her gaze to wonder away from the stars and stopping on two dark brown abysses staring at her.

Kaz began filling her in on the plan, "Yurian will have finished his shift by now and will be heading back to his apartment for the night. That's where we will wait for him. When he enters, you will take the lead. Ask him about the cargo on the Wanderer and don't stop pushing until he gives you an answer you honestly believe is true. Once you're satisfied, plan our exit to get out of there and back on Dreg's turf as soon as possible."

"Got it. Should be simple enough. A shifty low life, working for a man no better than he is, it won't take me long to get it out of him", Winnie responded with confidence.

Kaz had a small smirk form in the corner of his lips. He agreed with Winnies' words. But whilst Yurian was a shifty low life, he was not to be underestimated. He was one of Pekka's best and strongest men. Winnie would struggle to get him to tell her his name let alone coveted information.

This will be good.

Of course, when Winnie no doubt failed, Kaz had already amounted a plan to get the information himself. Showing the stubborn girl just who she was working for, and with any hope make her realize she was just another pawn in a game he controlled.

"I would hope so", was all Kaz replied as they rounded the final corner before reaching Yurian's residence.

"There's just one thing. Don't even think about looking in my direction for help. I'm nothing but a fly on the wall. If this works out, I'll be sending you out on your own anyways. If you find yourself incapable of doing this individually, I'll have my answer on what to do otherwise", he warned.

As was usually the case, Winnie simply turned to him with a playful expression.

"I'm not one to ask for help from any man, Brekker. Especially from you", she replied before stepping past him and heading towards the building they had stopped outside of.

Kaz's words of warning, mixed with the conniving tone he used, would be more than enough to strike nerves throughout anyone. But Winnie simply couldn't care less about what he had to say. It was truly a testament to the issue Kaz was about to fix.

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