-Mind your business-

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(Nessa and Avani)
(everything in this entire story is consensual)

Nessa knocked at her bosses door, nervously of course. Avani had always made Nessa feel some type of way, but she could never put a finger on it.
   "Come in."
  Avani called out quietly. Nessa very slowly entered the room, she kept her head down to avoid any eye contact with the older woman.
   "Did you finish them files young one?"
  The boss said while pulling the tie off of her neck.
   "Y-yes ma'am."
"That's what I thought. You always have the greatest manners, you know that sweetheart?"Avani smiled, approaching the girl, only leaving an inch of space in between their faces.
   "Y-yes I-I know."
  Nessa replied, her eyes trailing around the room.
  Turn around sweetheart face the wall. Avani husked,her voice low and raspy. she walked over and locked the door.
   Nessa looked over at Avani who was unbuttoning her white button down shirt.
    Nessa was nervous, extremely nervous. The butterflies jumps up and down in her stomach as Avanis shirt fell loose, but still holding on.
   "You're gonna be quiet, yeah?"
  Avani smiled while sliding her tie over Nessa's head.
   Nessa nodded while turning around to look into Avani's eyes.
  "You know I'm not gonna hurt you kitten. I just want to make you feel good, alright? Can I do that?"
Nessa nodded but Avani gave her a slight pout, followed by a chuckle.
  "Use your words."
"Yes ma'am."
"Yes ma'am what?" Avani's words became stern and piercing while she backed Nessa over to the desk.
   "Yes I w-want you t-to make me f-feel good."Nessa's eyes quintet shut as Avani kissed her neck, suddenly Avani bent Nessa down over the desk.
   Nessa gasped at the instant feeling of Avani's cold rings against her thigh.
   Goosebumps rose all over her body as Avani traced the small tattoo on the girls thigh.
   "I never knew you had this one baby."
She said, smacking the girls thigh, leaving it red.
  "I-I had it for years I-I'm sorry."
Avani unbuttoned her pants and pulled her boxers down before removing Nessa's underwear and sliding into her.
   "O-ouch." She whined as Avani forced herself inside of The younger girl.
   "Shhhh. You're okay little one."
Avani pulled in the tie, making Nessa gasp at the sudden loss of air.
   "A-Avani. More p-please."
Nessa was going to regret that.
   Avani pounded into her. Nessa legs trembled and twitched as she tried to keep her body up.
  "A-ah Avani- I'm s-so close." Tears poured from Nessa's eyes as Avani sped up.
   "You're doing great princess. Just a little longer okay?"
   Nessa began shaking as she grew closer and closer to her orgasm. It came crushing down as she tried to hold back a scream of pleasure.
    "Shhh you're okay. You're okay baby. I'm almost there sweetie. Just a little longer."

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