-My girl-

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Hey hun. Anna said calmly while walking into the room.
H-hi ma'am.
Why are you crying? Anna removed the blindfold that was covering the younger girls eyes and removed the handcuffs from her cold hands.
W-when can I go home? I want to go home.
Oh Eva. Sweetheart you aren't going home. If you do, you'll get me in trouble. Aren't you? Anna wiped the girls tears with her thumb before grazing her lips with her thumb.
N-no. I won't ma'am I promise. I swear I won't.
Im not going to take your word sweet Eva. Some girl are filthy little sluts. Ain't that right Eva? Aren't you going to answer me sweet face? Anna placed her finger on the younger girls chin, waiting for her shaken reply.
   Yes m-ma'am. Eva looked down at her shaking hands.
   Are you going to kill me? She quickly asked as she watched Anna play with the large knife in her hand, making Anna chuckle.
   You're way too pretty hun. I think I'm going to... Use your pretty little body as I please and maybe I will think about letting you go home or maybe I'll keep you around. Just depends on how well you obey me.
   Yes ma'am. No matter how hard Eva tried to make it seem as if she wasn't terrified or nervous, it never worked. She was scared and it showed.
   Go on and lay back sweet face. I'm going to make you feel good, but if you don't obey me it'll be for my pleasure. Got it? Anna placed the knife on the bedside and took her shirt off, Eva's eyes trailing down her toned body.
   Lay back sweetheart. She said again, gently shoving her back.
  Anna started undressing Eva, tears still streaming down her face but Anna wiped them away, comforting her as if she actually started to care about the girls she fucks.
   Don't cry Sweet face. It'll be alright.
Eva nodded and spread her legs further for Anna, making her groan.
   You're such a good girl. I don't even have to ask you. Anna started rubbing her clit gently, slowly adding pressure.
   There's no need to be shy Eva.. you're so cute.
Anna then removed her belt and pumped her cock a few times before slowly sliding in, stopping at the tip to make sure she was okay.
   W-why are you so n-nice. F-fuck. Eva whimpered out as Anna started thrusting into her at a slow pace.
   Because. I like you Eva. You're so pretty and obedient.
  Anna pushed deeper into Eva, making her arch her back against the bed.
   She dug her nails into Anna's shoulders, sweat starting to bead up on her forehead as she pushed closer to her orgasm.
  I-I'm close ma'am. She whined into her shoulder, her legs beginning to close.
   Do you think you can hold it Eva?
Y-yes ma'am. Tears fell down her face as she fought the urge to cum. But she had to obey Anna in order to go home. She missed her family dearly. 
   That's my girl. You're manners are so good. You should teach the other girls so they can go home. Anna rubbed her clit as she edged Eva over and over until her body was weak and numb and she couldn't take it anymore.
   O-oh my g-god. I-im gonna c-cum. C-can I miss p-please.
   Awww. Go on sweet face. Cum for me right now.

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