-Pretty girl-

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Sab.. No. Not here. Anna sternly said while pulling away from the kiss.
   Hmmm but why. I want you now. She whined while biting Anna's bottom lip.
  W-we could get caught. Anna whispered while looking around. Don't be such a baby. It's gonna be okay. Sabrina brushed her hand over Anna's bulge, making her squeeze her eyes shut and breathe out deeply.
   C-can we at least go b-back to the car.
Yeah. Yeah Anna come on. Sabrina grabbed her hand and walked all the way to the parking lot where she unlocked the car and climbed into the passenger seat.
  Sabrina sat on Anna's lap, grinding slowly as she kissed her passionately.
M-mommy? Anna gasped as Sab pulled out from the kiss.
Yes baby? What's wrong? Hm?
C-can we h-hurry please. Anna's face turned red as she looked into her girlfriend eyes.
Of course bunny. I love you so much. Sab leaned down and kissed the girl lips once more before undoing her belt.
What does my baby want? Hm?
I-I want to be I-inside of you mommy.
Anna squeezed her eyes shut as sab lowered herself on to her cock, burying her head in Anna's neck as she went deeper.
You feel so good baby. You're so perfect Anna. Sab smiled while cupping the older girls face and kissing her.
Sab bounced at a steady pace, making sure she didn't go to fast for Anna who had a job interview in the next hour.
Y-you're okay baby. Look at you. You're s-so pretty.
M-mommy I-I'm gonna cum. Tears rushed to Anna's eyes but Sab wiped them away quickly, kissing her lips.
Me too baby. Fuck.
Sabrina's orgasm came crashing down and soon Anna's did too.
Do I look okay baby? Anna asked as they stepped out of the car to go inside for the interview.
Of course you do my love. You always do.

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