-Tutoring 2-

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(Eva and Anna)

Eva picked Anna up and set her on the desk carefully as she removed her underwear.
"Remember the rules Darling. No noises. It may hurt though."
Eva smirked as she rubbed Anna's clit, earning muffled moans and frustrated grunts from the blue eyed girl.
"Ready honey?"
Anna nodded as Eva began to slide into her. Anna whined, earning a slap on her thigh once more, leaving a great big handprint in the most obvious place since Anna was wearing a skirt.
"I-I'm sorry m-mommy. I-it feels good."
Anna sobbed and Eva snickered while sliding all the way in.
"Don't apologize cupcake. You know mommy doesn't accept apologies like that. You gotta show mommy you mean it."
Eva pulled out and sat in the large chair, Anna following her and climbing into her lap, sliding her back inside as she began bouncing.
"I-I'm sorry mommy. I'm sorry you're so big and you feel so nice."
Anna smiled, bouncing harder and harder as the seconds pass by.
"N-now baby. Y-you know what you're doing."
Eva grabbed Anna's ass and slammed her down, making Anna yelp loudly and hide her face in Eva's shoulder.
"I suggest that you don't try to take control again. It's not right for you to take my job, is it baby?"
Eva questioned, thrusting hard and slowly.
"I-I'm sorry."
Anna whined as her walls began to collapse. She was close but Eva wasn't going to let her cum, not with how she was acting.
"Looks like someone really needs to cum. Huh baby? I guess you should have followed my rules because now you have to pay for your consequences."
Eva laid Anna across the table and pounded into her, her body growing weaker and weaker as she fought the urge to scream. Her body became overstimulated and began shaking as she became more and more impatient.
"Look at you, so needy and pathetic. If only you would have followed the rules like a good girl."
Anna whined impatiently, Eva slowing her strokes down to mess with the younger girls mind only drove her even more mad.
"Awww. Go on baby. Cum for me. I'm not stopping you anymore."
Eva smirked as she sped up, going too fast for Anna to catch up.
Her body trembled as she came, not being able to control her body Anna screamed, quickly covering her own mouth as Eva gripped her throat and kissed her.
"I hope I taught you a lesson. Now let me drive you home."

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