-Birthday girl-

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Nessa squealed as her friends walked in for the giant party. She hasn't seen a few of them in a long while, making her ten time more excited to see them, Especially Sabrina.
  Hey pretty girl happy birthday . Sabrina smiled while walking in and hugging her tightly.
   Hi Sabby. 
I'm goin upstairs. Nessa said, pushing passed everyone and going into her own bedroom.
   She really didn't want to party tonight, she wanted to spend the night with a few friends but I guess Sabrina had other plans.
   She followed Nessa up to her bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind her, kissing her cheek while backing her against the wall.
   W-what are you doing? Nessa asked while grabbing on to Sab's shirt.
    Shhh. Be quiet for me. She responded lowly, almost growling.
    Sabrina lowered her head into Nessa's neck and kissed down to her collar bone, causing Ness to lightly moan.
    I can make you feel good? Sab asked while picking Nessa up. Nessa nodded eagerly before leaning down to Kiss the older girl on the lips. Hmm... Nessa groaned while Sab set her on the bed.
   Sab started undressing Nessa, watching as the goosebumps rose over her skin in her thighs. Her fingers traced small shapes on her thighs, making her impatient. Really impatient.
   Sab p-please.
Please what bunny? Sab chuckled, knowing exactly what Nessa wanted and how she wanted it.
   I-I want you to make me f-feel good. She whined,squeezing her thighs together.
   Well it is your birthday. The blonde smiled, removing Nessa's underwear and instantly dipping two fingers in her.
   Sab watched as her jaw tensed, her chest rising and falling in rhythm.
   A-ah. T-that feels nice. She grunted, her voice becoming shallow as the pleasure consumed her.
   I know it does baby. I know, just stay quiet okay. Okay bunny? Sabrina was so gentle and caring when it came to Nessa. She hated calling her a slut or a whore, she absolutely hates punishing her but Nessa loves it. She seems so innocent until she's begging for Sab to touch her, drool falling from her lips and tears gathering in her eyes before falling out and collecting on her cheek. Breathy moans and whimpers as Sab teased her.
   Nessa smiled super innocently and moaned loudly on purpose.
  O-oh shit Sab. Fuck. Harder p-please. She cried out, arching her back against the bed as sab sped up.
    Hush now baby. I told you what would happen if you were loud. Do you want to stop? Sabrina questioned while turning her over.
  N-no ma'am.
Well quit being such a little needy bitch and wait. Be patient for me sweet face.
   Sab raised the girls body in the air, making sure she was securely on all fours before removing her boxers and sliding into the girl, roughly and very quickly making her whine loudly.
   Shhhh. Sab shushed.
Oh s-shit Sab! F-fuck me harder. Y-you fit so w-well inside of me.
Sabrina flipped Nessa over on her back and hovered of her, still thrusting in and out of Nessa at a steady pace.
  Y-yes mommy. Keep f-fucking me like that.
   Nessa knew exactly what she was doing and Sabrina didn't exactly hate it.
   She felt as her cock twitched inside of Nessa, feeling her walls tighten at the very moment before pulling out and cumming all over her stomach, Nessa's body shaking as she came, Sab rubbing her clit slowly.
   Shit. Happy birthday Bunny.
Thank you baby. Nessa sassily smiled, trotting out of the room as she pulled a shirt over her head.

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