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Anna walked into the bar, during after hours of course. It was only this woman named Eva working, well. Technically she wasn't working since Eva owned the place. She was only refilling taps and cleaning up before she finally gets to leave.
   Hey Eva. Anna smiled, walking behind the counter, hugging the woman from behind and sneaking a kiss on her neck.
   Hey Anna. I missed you. Her eyes lit up as she turned around, her arms snaking around the significantly taller woman's neck.
   She kissed her lips multiple times in a row causing them both to smile.
   When am I gonna get to take you out on a date. I want to know more about you. Anna seemed to whine a bit, knowing Eva was playing hard to get just to drive her crazy.
You just need to show me you're worthy of taking me on a date. Eva had a small smile on her face, Anna's heart pounding out of her chest.
Show me. Eva whispered, backing Anna up against the counter.
Holy shit. She said in her head, grabbing onto Eva's waist and turning them so that Eva was against the counter.
Anna then picked Eva up and set her on the counter, connecting their lips in yet another passionate kiss.
   Anna lifted Eva's skirt and pulled her panties off before sliding her sweatpants down and lining the tip of her cock with Eva's entrance.
   You ready? Anna asked, stroking her hair softly.
   Eva nodded eagerly as she grabbed onto Anna's arm as she slid into her. Eva gasped, realizing she had never felt anything like this.    Fuck. Y-you're so big. Shit. She murmured.
   You'll be alright. You will get used to it. Anna kissed down Eva's shoulder, occasionally leaving hickeys behind.
   She began pounding into Eva after a moment causing her to whimper loudly.
   Shhh. Shh shh. She hushed Eva as her moans began echoing off of the empty walls of the bar.
   Oh god. Anna oh-
Eva couldn't even finish her sentence. The pleasure was catching up to her quickly until she felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach.
   I-I'm close Anna. Don't stop fuck.
I'm not gonna stop my love. Anything for you. The older woman swept the loose hairs from in front of her gorgeous brown eyes, staring deep into her eyes as she quickened her pace.    
   I'm gonna cum Anna. I-I'm so close.
Let it out when you're ready my love. I'm right behind you, Kay? Eva adored it when Anna called her those cute nicknames, it made her heart flutter with the respect she has for her.
   Ahhh- Anna I-I'm cumming.
Go on love. Cover your mouth.

I wrote a Billie Eilish  smut lol
   Go read it or I'll crawl in your vents and watch you while you're sleeping 🌚

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