-Better than him-

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(Nessa and Avani)

Nessa walked into her best friends room and sat in the bed. Avani isn't home from work yet but Nessa really wanted to see her.
   An hour passed and Avani was finally home from work. She walked in to her best friend curled up in her bed, watching tiktok.
   "Hey. I wasn't expecting you to be here already."
   Avani said while sitting on the bed and tossing her hoodie into the giant mound of clothing by the door.
   "No it's okay. Your bed is really comfy."
   Nessa smiled while sitting up. Her hair was a mess as if she had been napping and her lipstick was very lightly smudged.
   Avani went into the bathroom and began washing her face, removing all the makeup from her skin.
  "I'm sorry Vani. When you finish I need to tell you something."
  Nessa sat on the side of the bed, watching her best friend wash her face in the room across from her.
   Avani dried her face off and went back into the bedroom and sat next to Nessa.
  "What is it?"
"Well. Jaden wants to have... you know... tonight. And I don't think I want to because he kinda ummmm...."
   "Sucks?" Avani finished the sentence for Nessa and she nodded in agreement.
   "Yeah. I always get stuck with the very bad ones."
Avani smiled while she trailed her eyes from the floor all the way up to Nessa's eyes.
   "Do you want to see good?"
   Avani asked while Flipping Nessa over onto her back.
  Nessa held her breath without even knowing, nodding very slowly and innocently.
   Avani leaned down and kissed her lips.
Avani kissed down Nessa's neck while slowly removing pieces of her clothing until she was left in only her underwear.
"Yes sweetheart?"
  Avani sweetly answered, making Nessa forget what she was about to say. She was so nervous.
"What is it baby? You can tell me. Don't be afraid."
Avani leaned down and kissed Nessa's lips, biting her lip and smiling as she pulled away from the green eyed girl.
"You don't think I'm... too. Too."
  Ness trailed off, she didn't know how to say it but thankfully Avani knew exactly what she was going to say.
"There's no need to be insecure Ness. Look at me."
  Avani cut herself off as she kissed Nessa's lips. "I love these."
"This." She kissed Nessa's collarbone and smiled. "I love this, it's very beautiful."
"These. Are perfect." Avani kissed Nessa tits and smiled, leaving Nessa flustered.
"Your stomach?"
  Avani placed sweet kisses all the way down until there was no more space to kiss.
  "Is beautiful, perfect. Gorgeous." She added as she kissed all the way down to the younger girls thighs.
"These are absolutely perfect Ness. You are beyond perfect."
   Avani slowly Kissed her way up and down Nessa's thighs before very carefully removing her underwear.
"Are you ready?"
Nessa nodded while biting her lip gently.
"I need to hear you say it sweetie. Are you ready?"
Nessa blushed and nodded again. "Yes, yes I'm ready." She responded while Avani kissed her clit, making her body jolt.
"You've been waiting so long for this huh baby? You're so wet." Avani smirked before she grabbed Nessa's hand, intertwining their fingers, going down and eating her out.
"Ah- o-oh Avani."
   Nessa squealed as she felt her body heat up.
"Shhh shhh shh. Baby you're okay. I'm going to make you feel amazing, alright?"
Nessa nodded impatiently.
Avani dipped in two fingers and pulled them out, watching as her body tensed up.
She dipped them back in and admired how her jaw clenched as if she was holding back her moans.
"Don't be shy my love. You can be as loud as you want. It's just us here, nobody else."
Avani unbuttoned her pants and slid them down, pumping her cock before slowly sliding into Nessa.
  She gasped while pulling Avani closer to her, clawing at her back, surely leaving marks for the morning.
"See, I told you I was going to make you feel amazing baby. Look at you, crying already, shaking and sweating. You're so cute."
Nessa became flustered again as Avani pounded into her at an impossible speed. Nessa was completely out of breath, her body was hot, her eyes were watering. She has never felt something like this before and she's eternally grateful to have Avani.
"You like that huh baby? Yeah? I'm making you feel good aren't I?"
   Avani grunted while speeding up and grabbing Nessa by her throat.
"Words please honey. Look at me. Don't break eye contact."
   Avani smiled, kissing her forehead and continuing to stare the girl in her eyes.
"O-okay." She shakily responded while looking into Avani's eyes.
She grabbed Avani's face and kissed her until she couldn't anymore.
"I told you not to break eye contact Nessa."
"I-I'm sorry Avani. I'm really sorry." Nessa's eyes began big, afraid of what was going to happen next.
"Look at your eyes baby. There's no need to be afraid. I'm not going to punish you or anything. You're way too cute for that."
Nessa's body shook and tensed up as she reached her high, she felt her legs become numb as Avani stroked deeper and harder.
"You're okay baby. Breathe okay? You're okay. You're alright sweetie."
"I-I'm cumming Vani. F-fuck." She whimpered out.
Avani smiled at the girl, capturing her lips while she stroked slower.
"O-oh Avani. Fuck. H-harder please."
"Whatever you want baby."

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