-Bratty girl-

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(Sab and Eva)

"Eva! I'm sleepy and I wanna go home."  Sabrina whined while tugging her girlfriends arm. Sabrina. "Quit being such a brat. I'm in the middle of a conversation." Eva snapped.
"Fine I'll show you a brat."
   Sab mumbled, stomping away from the two talking girls.
Sab sat on the couch crossing her arms with a pout until finally Eva was ready, 30 long minutes later. "Now baby. Stop being a brat and let's go."
   Eva held her hand out but Sab ignored her and walked passed her.
Eva let that go until they got to the car.
"So you really think you can ignore me huh?"You're so going to regret that when we get home.
Sabrina's heart dropped as she already knew what was going to happen.
"Since you want to ignore me don't make a sound until we get home."
"I-" "Nope. There's no I'm sorry. You brought this upon yourself when you decided to ignore me."
Sabrina just held her head low and played with the rings on her fingers until they arrived.
Sab got out of the car and stood by the front door, just waiting for Eva to come unlock it.
"Do you pity me?"
   Eva asked while grabbing the shorter girl by her throat and hovering her lips over Sabrina's neck.
"Go on. Speak baby. I'm not going to hurt you."
   She smiled while biting her neck as she backed her into the house.
"N-no I don't pity you."
"Well it sure in hell seems like it. When I tell you to do something you do it. Now go upstairs and undress yourself. If you touch yourself I will just go to sleep and maybe act like you don't exist for a couple days."
   "Yes ma'am."
   Sab swallowed hard before going upstairs. Eva went into the kitchen and poured herself some Vodka into a tall glass.
   She sipped it while she counted to 30 in her head. She felt that was enough time for Sabrina.
  She began walking upstairs, slowly before opening the bedroom door.
   Sab was undressed, just sitting there in a robe, exactly how Eva likes it.
   "That's my girl." Eva smiled while sipping her drink and setting it on the counter. Eva sat down and motioned for Sabrina to climb up onto her lap.
   Eva began taking the robe off of her and started creating hickeys all over her neck and collarbone. "Shh. Only good girls get to make noise. Brats do not."
   Eva husked while flipping Sabrina onto all fours and very quickly slid into her.
  She yelped as Eva began pounding into her. "I told you it to make any noise Sabrina. Now be quiet."
    Eva demanded, smacking her ass, Surely leaving a handprint.
   "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry Eva."
  She cried out, her body already beginning to shake.
  Eva grabbed a handful of her auburn hair, pulling it as she sped up, leaving the girl screaming for forgiveness so she could cum.
    "P-please mommy. I'm sorry. I'm really s-sorry." She whimpered while burying her face in a pillow.
    "Fuck. Baby look at you. You're so needy aren't you, you just need to cum so badly huh?"
  "Y-yes ma'am. C-can I cum p-please."
"Hm. No. I think you can wait."
   Eva slammed into her, making her scream at the sudden pain that soon turned to pleasure.
   "I-I can't hold it." She whined and Eva chuckled. "If you cum without me telling you to do so, I think you'll just be in deep punishment."
   Eva said lowly with a grin on her face.
  "I'm so sorry m-mommy. I w-was such a b-bad girl. A s-stupid little b-brat. I-I'm sorry." 
  The girl cried out, tears falling from her eyes.
   "Ah, there you go sweet girl. Go on, cum for me."
   Eva had a small smile on her face while speeding up to help her girlfriend cum.
"Oh fuck!" She cried out as her orgasm hit her like a train. Her body collapsed as she grabbed onto Eva's arms.

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