-Seven minutes in Heaven-

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(Charli and Avani)

Avani groaned as the bottle landed on her and her enemy Charli.
"You know I don't like you right?" Charli mumbled as they walked to the closet.
"Yeah well that will change."
  Avani pressed Charli against the closet door and began kissing her neck.
"W-what are you doing?"
  Charli whimpered as Avani bit her neck, soothing it with her warm tongue. "I'm gonna make you like me."
Charli tangled her fingers in Avani's hair, guiding her to her collarbone where dark hickeys were being left.
"Get on your knees." Avani smirked, unbuttoning her pants and sliding her boxers down.
Charli did what she was told and began pumping Avani's cock slowly, hearing Avani moan under her breath.
Avani grabbed Charli's hair, gripping it into a ponytail before sliding into her mouth.
"F-fuck you're so good at this." Avani gasped while pushing herself deeper in Charli's throat.
Charli felt Avani began to shake, pulling away and kissing the tip before taking her deeper than before.
"Shit Charli. W-when we're you such a g-good girl. Look at you, t-taking my cock so well down that pretty throat o-of yours."
Charli sped up, gagging softly against Avani's cock, feeling it twitch in the back of her throat before she unloaded and Came deep in her throat.
"Let me see. Swallow it."
Charli swallowed it without a problem, opening her mouth to show Avani who politely smirked.
"Do you like me now? Because I like you enough to take you on a date."
   Avani smiled while kissing Charli softly.
"Hmmm. Yes." She mumbled into the kiss.
"Guys that was longer than..." Nessa said while opening the door.
Avani use her thumb to wipe away the excess cum and saliva off of Charli's lips and smiled.
"Yeah I know it was longer than seven minutes. Let's just say we got long well."

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