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"D-dev. What are you doing? You have a girlfriend." Nessa tried removing herself from her best friends embrace but it only grew tighter.
"Nessa I saw how you were eyeing me down. I felt your doe-eyed gaze burning into my body and your gonna pretend you wasn't staring at me but I know you were." Dev kissed Nessa's neck, resulting in a breathy gasp.
   Nessa couldn't lie to Dev. She was eyeing her down.
   The tingling sensation between her legs only grew while Devyn kissed down her neck and collarbone.
   "So. Do you want it? Or do you want me to go home?"
   Nessa paused for a long moment.
She wants it. But it feels wrong. But you only live once.
   "Yes. Yes dev I want it."
Devyn smiled and finally began lifting Nessa's leather skirt, dipping her hand into her pink panties and rubbing her clit.
  "A-ah." She gasped, feeling the pressure Devyn was applying to her clit.
    "Janesa." Devyn clicked her tongue, shaking her head.
    "Who knew you'd get so wet for me."
Devyn looped the hem of Nessa's panties on her finger and pulled them down, tossing them somewhere in Nessa's room.
    She then pulled Nessa by her thighs to meet her mouth and Nessa instantly tensed up, grabbing ahold of Dev's hair.
   Devyn dipped her tongue in and out, Nessa chest already heaving above her.
    Her tongue danced around Nessa's clit and finally she pushed two fingers into her, causing Nessa to moan into her hand.
     "Oh dev." She whimpered, the tears escaping her eyes.
"I think you'll be fine Janesa." Devyn whispered, dropping her sweatpants and sliding into Nessa without warning causing her to cry out and arch her back.
"Cmon. Basically what your body is telling me is that Jaden has a small dick. But I know you can take it, can't you Janesa?"
"I-I don't know. Y-your. Fuck. Your dick i-is so big."
Nessa couldn't even talk, the pleasure was consuming her entire body by each passing second.
It wasn't long until her body tensed up and she was begging Devyn to slow down.
"Dev. Please. Please slow down." She cried out, digging her nails into her shoulders.
"Tsk tsk. I don't think so." She hissed, picking up speed as she slammed into Nessa.
"Devyn please!" Nessa whined louder and louder until Devyn was satisfied.
"You gonna cum for me? Yeah?"
"Fuck yes!"

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