-Delicate Girl-

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Avani walked into the warehouse to meet her new toy, Nessa. She was so well behaved and so gentle and delicate.
   Avani smiled while approaching her.
How long have you been here crying young one? Avani asked while kneeling down to her level.
   I-i don't remember m-miss. C-can I please take the blindfold off. The brunette sobbed while holding her hands up to her eyes.
   No. Not yet. Don't you have patience? Hm darling?
I-I do Miss. i-I'm sorry. Nessa hung her head low while Avani picked her up off of the chair.
  W-why did you bring m-me here Miss?
You're quite talkative aren't you. I brought you here because I want to get to know you. Since we're asking questions now, are you going to rat me out if I let you go? Avani brushed her hand against Nessa's cheek, kissing the side of her head.
   N-no ma'am.
Good. I'm going to remove the blindfold now.
   As soon as Avani removed the blindfold she locked eyes with Nessa who quickly grew flustered.
    Y-you're very p-pretty. Nessa stuttered, breaking eye contact.
   Thank you peach. Avani moved in closer, closing the space between their lips.
   Nessa shivered under Avani's touch, wanting more but feeling incredibly shy.
  M-miss? I-I want more please.
You want more huh? Show me you deserve it.
  Nessa looked up into Avani's eyes with her big, pleading green eyes.
   Her face was red and her breathing was shallow.
Go on peach. Tell me what you want.
I-I want you to touch m-me. Nessa built up a little confidence but lost it the moment Avani grabbed her by her neck, hovering over her lips.
   What's the magic word, sweet face.
Please. Nessa said, her eyes glossy.
   That's a good girl.
Nessa gulped and nodded, agreeing with the older girl.
   Avani began removing Nessa's clothing, kissing her way down before sliding into her without a warning, making her yelp at the sudden pain.
   What's wrong sugar?
F-fuck you're s-so big. She cried out while Avani thrusted into her slowly.
   Nessa threw her head back, whining as her voice echoed off of the empty, dingy, white walls of the warehouse.
   Eye contact sweetheart. Avani mumbled while placing her finger on the green eyed girls chin.
   Nessa nodded, fighting the urge to squeeze her eyes shut as the pleasure consumed her.
   Why are you crying Janesa? Hm? Avani used her thumb to flick away the tears that were making their way into the pretty girls face, snickering as they kept coming down.
   Answer me J. Why are you crying? Should I stop?
Nessa shook her head eagerly, she didn't want to stop but the truth is, Avani was much too big for her to handle.
   N-no don't s-stop. She cried out, grabbing on to Avani's shoulders.
   Your wish is my command doll. Stay still for me okay?
   Nessa nodded, still staring Avani in the eyes.
Are you gonna cum? Hm baby?
  Nessa didn't answer, frustrating Avani as she sped up.
   Answer me doll.
Y-yes Miss. i-I'm gonna c-cum. She squealed as Avani grabbed her ass, slamming her down on her cock.
   Well then. Go on, I'm not stopping you.

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