-Bad girl-

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(Charli and Nessa)

Charli towered over her best friends ex girlfriend, Nessa with a psychotic smile.
   "You like cheating on Avani don't you? Slut."Charli said while wrapping her hand around Nessa's throat. "N-no I didn't m-mean to."   
  Nessa responded weakly with tears falling from here eyes.
   "You don't mean to. That's bullshit. On the bed and strip." Charli demanded while shoving the girl on the bed.
   "I-I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize to me. I'm getting my apology right now silly girl."
   Charli chuckled while helping Nessa take her shirt off, kissing her messily while her hand trailed to her throat once more, gripping it tightly as charli slid into Nessa, making her whimper.
   "P-please charli. I can take it all. I swear."Nessa begged while holding onto Charlis shoulders.
"Oh I know you can Janesa. But you're gonna have to wait. Good girls get whatever they please but sluts have to wait."
  "I p-promise I'll be good."  She whined, clawing the older girls back.
   "Nope. Such a silly girl aren't you? Aren't you Janesa?"
  "Yes. Yes m-ma'am."
"That's great that you see how much of a silly slut you are for me."
   Charli pushed deep into Nessa, making her scream at the sudden pain and pleasure.
   "Yeah that's good huh? I make you feel good slut?"
"Yes! Yes Charli you make me feel good!"
  She grunted loudly while digging her nails into Charli's shoulders.
    "You're close huh Janesa?"
  She squeezed her eyes shut while Charli pounded into her at a fast pace.
   "Yeah? Cum for me. Go on."
"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck."
   Nessa squealed under her breath as she came hard.
   "See. That's what a good girl is like. So obedient."

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