Interlude: Corn

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It's corn


A big lump with knobs

It has the juice

It has the juice

I can't imagine a more beautiful thing


Its corn

I can tell you all about it

I mean

Look at this thing

But when i tried it with butter

Everything changed

Duoduo came prancing into the office while belting her heart out. "Ahhhhh! Dive for cover!" Everyone in the notorious Deverlon division took cover under their tables and stuffed blue bananas in their ears to block out the terrible noise.

"WILL YOU EVER SHUT UP?" Deverlon yelled from the safety of his African Blackwood (totally legal) desk. "No, 'cause Mr Ngiam assigned me to this division. So now I'm the boss, and you minions better get to work!" Duoduo breezily replied, while on the phone trying to learn how to pronounce the longest name in Africa, Ovuvuevuevue Enyetuenwuevue Ugbemugbem Osas.


Luckily, he was still on work break with the boys (for obvious reasons), and didn't have to go back to work with the dingbat before him, now trying to recite the entire muffin song in under 35 seconds. Based on past experience, girls like this would only cause trouble for the division. Slamming his fountain pen on the desk (which, like I said before, was bought legally- yeah yeah), he walked over to the water machine, which, seemingly on cue, started vibrating suddenly. "Why does this keep happening?" Groaning, Deverlon made a mental note to inform Guanjun about the water issue. "Do all other divisions have water machines that shudder like that as well?"

They did, as it turned out in the next chapter.

End of Interlude: Corn 

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