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Y/n = your name

L/f/c = Least Favorite Color

F/c = Favorite color

F/c/b = Favorite candy bar

~Your Pov~

I woke up from my nap, looking out the window tiredley I see a sign, 'Welcome to Derry'. I sigh and keep looking out the window as we enter the town. We drive past a few people and some parked cars, we also past some buildings. My mom used to live here when she was younger. That's how her and my dad met, 'high school sweethearts' as she put it. Love was gross. Either you spend all your time on a person, or you get your heart shattered over and over again. I didn't wanna deal with either one, so I've stuck to being single. We kept driving for a few more minutes before pulling up to a house. My parents checked the address to make sure it was the right one. When it was decided to be the right house, we got out and went inside. My mother told my brother and I to find our rooms while they bring stuff inside. My brother runs up the stairs as I follow behind him. Our rooms are right next to eachother, he walks into his and gasps. I look inside his as he looks around, "IT'S SO BIG!" He said in awh and excitement I giggled a bit before going to my own room. Mine was about the same size but had l/f/c colored walls. I sighed as I was gonna have to paint over it with f/c. I walked out and saw my dad had brought in my stuff, I moved it all into my room. It was just my clothes for a few weeks and some stuff to keep me busy. All the furniture would be here later today, I grabbed my walker and my headphones. I walked outside and told my parents I'll be back, and I was just gonna explore. My parents aren't strict, but they do have a few rules. I start walking toward the shops, and I play some AC/DC. I made it to the pharmacy, and I decided to buy a candy bar. I walked in and started to walk down each aisle. I found f/c/b and grabbed one, I headed to the counter to pay for it. When I got up to the counter, the man who was on the other side just stared at me. Starting to feel uncomfortable, I pull out my small wallet. Before I could pull money out, the man spoke up, "No need, darlin. It's on the house" he said with a creepy smile. I quickly said thank you and left. I began to eat the candy bar before I saw a group of kids riding their bikes down my road. Curious to see if any of them were my neighbors, I ran down the road. Out of breath, I managed to get to them. I leaned against my knees with my hands, "y-you m-mu-must be my ne-new neighbor?" One of the kids asked, I nodded my head yes and smiled. The group of kids stopped their bikes before telling me their names. "I'm y/n, and I assume I live next to you, Bill?" He nodded, the other kids all said their goodbyes, and Bill and I walked to our houses, "s-so why m-mo-move here?" He asked me, "my mom said she used to live here as a kid" He nodded, and we kept chatting. We eventually made it to our houses, and we said our goodbyes, "s-see you at sc-school y/n!" He said as we walked up to our doors, "You to Bill!" With that, we both went inside our houses, I closed the door behind me. My mother began to make dinner in the kitchen, "Make any new friends y/n?" She asked, "I guess you could say that. Anyway, I'll be unpacking my room. Let me know when dinners done. " I went upstairs and started unpacking my stuff, making me bed and getting my clothes into my dresser and closet. I got done before my mother called me down for dinner, I ate dinner and got ready for bed. "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day," I say to myself as I drift off to sleep.

~Word Count 730~

A/n: hope you like it so far! Let me know if you do!

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