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~Your Pov~

Richie and I ride to the pharmacy, with Richie peddling as fast as he can. We finally make it to the alley way Ben's sitting in it. I hope off the bike and run over to him, "Are you okie now?" I asked, "Y-yeah, if you hadn't gotten there when you did, I probably would be worse." he tried to laugh, but he stopped due to his stomach hurting when he did. Stan, Bill, and Eddie run around the corner and down the Alley way. "Y/n, what exactly happened?" Eddie asked. "I don't know how it started, but I ran into them after I went looking for Ben. But I told Ben to come find you guys, and I took care of Bowers. So you won't have to worry about Bowers for a while, hopefully.." All of the boys look at me confused, but then hear someone behind Bill and Stan. It was a girl, "Ben?" Ben looks up and then looks down embarrassed. "Are you okie? That looks like it  She asked, "N-no, I'm good... I just fell" he said nervously, "Yeah right into Henry Bowers!" Richie said, "Sh-shut it, Richie" Bill says. "Why? It's the truth" Richie says. The girl steps up a little, "You sure... they got the right stuff... to fix you up?" She says to Ben, winking at him when he looked at her. Ew, fucking gross. "You know u-uh, w-we-we'll take care of him. Uh... thanks again, Beverly." She smiled, "Sure, maybe I'll see you around" She said. He looked at the boys, not including Ben. Then he looked back at her, "We we-were thinking about going to the Q-qu-q-q-quary tomorrow, if you wanna come?" He asked her. "Good to know. Thanks." she said as she walked away and then waved goodbye. Eddie stood up, "Nice going, bringing up Bowers in front of her" Stan said, "Yeah you heard what she did" Eddie said. "What'd she do" you asked, "More like who'd she do! From what I heard, the list is longer than my wang"  Richie said. Stan looked away, saying, "That's not saying much." You stiffle a laugh. Bill stepped forward. Looking at you, then Ben, "There j-ju-just rumors." You nod, "Now, tip tip and tally oh my good fellows. I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention. Get in there Dr. K" Richie said in a slight British accent, pushing Eddie toward Ben. "Why don't you shut the fuck up Einstein, cause I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy-" Richie started talking over Eddie. The two of them bicker back and forth while Eddie fixes up Ben. When Eddie's done, we help Ben back to his house. Bill and I ride with everyone as we basically drop them off, then it was just me and Bill. "Y/n I ha-have a question" Bill asked while we rode home. "What's your question?" I asked him, "We-well earlier when you showed up. we asked what happened, and you told us" I mumbled an 'mhm' for him to continue, "Then you said we wouldn't have to deal with Bowers. What'd you mean by that?" He asked as we came up to our houses. We hoped off, and I looked at him, "I made a deal with him that whatever he does to you, he would only do it to me. Meaning what he did to Ben or you would only happen to me. And it goes for every single one of the losers club members." I say, he goes to speak bit j cut him off, "No, you can't change my mind. Plus it's already too late to turn back on it anyway" I say. He nods, "Bill, you can't tell any of the others about the deal I made, no matter what" he looks at me, " I won't, I pr-promise" I smile, thank you Bill, I'll come down with you guys to the quarry tomorrow too, okie?" He nods and smiles. We say goodbye and go inside our homes. My mom and dad still aren't back, so I make myself a snack and watch TV.

When my mom and dad get home, we make dinner and eat. While we eat, I asked them, "So my friends are going to the Quary tomorrow. Could I go with them?" I ask. My mother doesn't say anything, but my father sighs. "We dont want you going because of what happened with your.... brother. But we don't want you to not enjoy your summer." I knew they blamed me for him going missing, but they knew that I wouldn't do it purposely. Plus, they knew I had gotten lost trying to find him. I nod, "I'll be safe. There will be 6 other kids there too, including Bill from next door" I say and go back to eating. We finish up dinner, and my parents head to their room. I wait till they close their door before I silently cry. I knew they both blamed me for him going missing. I mean, who wouldn't?... I was left to take care of him while my parents were gone. I was the person my brother trusted when mom and dad weren't around. And I let that fucking Clown take him. I couldn't save him....

~Word Count 901~

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