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This is an a/n, but to sum up what I said in my other one I'm just saying word for word what I said there.

Alright I promised you all I'd keep writing this during summer break, but for the next day or so I'll be in a car so I'll attempt to write another chapter at least but I might get car sick or loose service so I'll have to take a break, but I hope to, it's not a promise, I'm just hoping to maybe have the next chapter finished by the end of next week, so a week from now. Of I don't get it done by then, then I'm really sorry, BUT I've gotten another book idea or multiple book ideas. I'm now OBSESSED with the new Spiderman movie that just came out, and I wanted to maybe write some fanfic on them, but it be character x reader, some ships don't have set ages, like Punkflower, which I believe is Miles and Hobie, but Hobie doesn't have a exact age. The official site for Marvle doesn't have an age for him, so he could be 18, but Google says he's still a teenager but older than Miles and Gwen, which is 15 and 16, making him maybe 17, I'd go with that, but I don't accidentally want to pro-ship someone and then get backlash for it. Gwen and Miles as a ship would be fine, but to just not accidentally pro-ship, I won't be doing any character x character. So if anyone wants to I could do Images and one-shots for the characters, or make a whole story for them, but if I end up doing Miguel O'hara, then your guyses age will be 18 or older, because I know most of the people who love that man, I myself am include, are minors still, and just not make an illegal ship, which is also pro-shipping, I will make your ages 18 or older. If you guys have any requests for a character or a one-shot or image, then please do give me ideas so I can start writing them. I'm sorry for the long wait, but I will try to get the next chapter done soon.

I hope you are all enjoying the book.

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