A/n and Requests

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So I wasn't trying to make any A/n in this story but I think I might need to to kinda let you all know I won't make any new chapters until Summer break starts for me which I think is June 15. I have 2 reasons for doing this. 1 is I have no ideas for what to do, I have a general plan, y/n hangouts with the Bowers gang for 4 days and during those 4 days the stuff that happens from the end of the cliff scene and when Bill first leaves for the Neibolt house takes place. The next time y/n will meet the Losers Club again is right before Bill takes off on his bike out of anger. I had ideas like simple things for the 4 days y/n is with the gang, but I forgot. So if you have any requests for days 2, 3, and 4, then please let me know. The other reason I won't be making new chapters till summer break is because I have too much going on right now. School is getting really stressful for me, not that I have bad grades or anything. I have B's and higher, but keeping my grades that way is becoming too much for me to handle. I'm sorry for the delay in chapters, and I do apologize for not posting any until Summer break. But please understand I need to focus on school and other things right now. If anyone wants like something specific to happen, then please let me know. If you don't want to comment it, then dm me it. Just let me know your request is for this book. Once again, I do apologize for not making more, but I hope you will wait for them.

Thank you :)

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