~Classes 4-5~

607 8 3

~Your Pov~

Belch, and I talk for a bit and wait for class to start. After class starts, we focus on the lesson. Well, movie more like. We watch it until class is over. It's still based on the class subject, though. Once class is over, I pull my schedule out. It was a bit soggy due to the water being spilled over my head, Belch looked over my shoulder, "I can take you to your 5th period if ya want?" I look at him and smile, "That would be pretty nice..." I follow him to my next class, and I say thank you before we both say goodbye. I walk in, and Bill waves over to the seat next to him. I sit down, still holding the half melted icepack to my cheek. He looks at me and starts to speak," Y-you doing ok-okie?" He asked, I nod, "The other girl got sent home, Belch said her name was Greta Bowie" Bill looked at me worried, "D-did the Bowers g-gang corner you an-and beat y-you up or so-something?" I shake my head no and explain everything after I left the lunch room.
When I finish telling him, he looks shocked, "Wo-wow, they a-ac-actually helped you? W-well Belch d-did, but still" I noded and pointed to my lip, "Belch put some antibiotics on my lip". He nods and still looks shocked, "Well, if that's shocks you your gonna be even more shocked about what Belch told me, he said he could give me a ride home if I wanted so I didn't have to walk home. But I have to get my little brother from the elementary school, he then said he could take both of us home" Bil just sat there with his mouth open. I giggle and smile, "W-well I guess I c-can't tell you n-no. But be ca-careful" I nod, and we just talk about our plans for summer. The class come to an end when the bell rings. We pack our stuff up, and before he could say anything, someone shouts my name. We look at the door and it's Henry and Patrick, "Hurry up, princess." I look at Bill and smile awkwardly. He looks at me worried, so I whisper, "I'll be okie. I'll see you later, alright?" He nods, and I walk off toward Hnery and Patrick, "You feeling better sexy?" I rubbed the back of my head and nodded, "Y-yeah" The name he called me kinda made me feel nervous and uncomfortable, but I shook the feeling away, "Let's go already" Henry said annoyed he had to come show me to our shared 6th period. The three of us walked to our 6th period, and people would move away from us as Patrick and Henry glared at them. We made it tonout 6th period and sat down, both the boys on either side of me. Patrick at on my right, and Henry sat on my left. The teacher started talking, and I started to doodle in my notebook again, Henry watched me doodle while Patrick leaned forward on his desk and at me. I ignored them and focused on drawing and doodling. The boys just watched the whole class period. Soon, the bell rang. My first day of school was finally over. The boys got up, and I realized they didn't know I was getting a ride from Belch. I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out after them. I ran into the 4 other boys, Stan, Richie, Bill an Eddie. I walk over to them, "You see where Henry and Patrick went?" I asked them. They looked shocked, "Belch offered me a ride home because of the fight with the Greta chick" Richie points to the door leading outside, "They are usually by Belches Blue Trans Am" Richie says. I nod and smile while saying bye. I walk outside and look around, I hear someone yell my name and look over to see Belch waving me over to his car. I wave to let him know I see him and quickly walk over, "Sorry you guys had to-" Henry cuts me off, "Just get in the fucking car already!" He seemed pissed off so I quickly climb into the back and sit myself in between Victor and Patrick. We leave the school, and I lean back, "So we need to get your brother to Y/n? "Belch asks to make sure. "Yeah, my mom won't be at home so I have to pick him up after school. If you guys want since your going out if your way to pick him up, you guys can come inside for a bit?" I say, "Why did you get a ride from us if we still have to pick up your fucking brother?" Henry asked annoyed more then before, "I said we could, I felt bad she had to deal with Greta and she only said no to us taking her home cause of her brother" Henry huffed out and looked out the window mumbling 'Whaterver'. Victor turns to me, "You have a brother?" " I giggle, "Yeah, his names Markus, but I call him Mark" Patrick also turns to me, "What grade is he in?" I smile, "He's in third grade" Henry laughs," so you have an annoying little shit head at your house?" I feel hurt he'd be so mean to a boy he's never met, "U-uhm, no?" Patrick laughs a bit. We drive to the elementary school and pull up to a curb. "I'll go get him. I'll be right back" I say as I climb out and walk inside the building. As soon as Markus sees me, he runs up to me and hugs me. "SISSY YOUR HERE!" I laugh and nod, "Come on, some people are waiting to take us home. You don't wanna keep them waiting, do you?" He shakes his head and quickly grabs my hand, pulling me outside, but quickly stops. I point to the car, and his face lights up, "WOW SISSY THE CARS SO COOL!" He says and runs to it, I run after him laughing. I climb in and Markus gets in after and sits in between my legs, "Mister! Your cars so cool!" He says as he look at Belch, Belch smiles and laughs, "Thanks little man" Belch starts up the car, and I tell him where my house is.

~Word Count 1084~

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