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~Your Pov~

I woke up feeling exhausted, but the group wanted to go swimming. I figured I'd go but just stay out of the water. I got out of bed and got ready to go, I slipped my shoes on and left. I walked outside and met Bill at the sidewalk with my own bike, and we headed to the quarry. We wait there a minute before the other boys show up. "You're not gonna swim?" Stan asked me, I shook my head no. They all striped to their underwear and stood on the edge. They began to talk before each one started to spit off the edge. When Eddie went, Richie started arguing with him. I laugh a bit as the bicker. Then they discuss who's gonna go first, and that's when a girls voice says she'll go first. We all looked over, and it was Bev. She took her dress off and ran off the cliff, jumping into the water. Richie yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK!" The boys all jump down and I'm left alone. I smile and sit on the edge of the cliff, looking down at them. I wave when Stan waves up. They start messing around, and I just look at the scenery.

I felt so relaxed and safe, that was until someone put their hand over my mouth and pulled me up and carried me away from the cliffs edge. I tried to scream, but the hand was covering my nose, so I couldn't breathe. I start crying, thinking the worse would happen. After I was a good distance from the place everyone had their stuff the hand let go of me and I was thrown to the ground. I look up at the person who grabbed me.... it was Henry. I then remembered the deal. I mentally prepared myself, Henry kicked me in my face, and I fell back to the ground.

Someone picks me up, "Hold her still Belch!" Henry said. So it was Belch who picked me up, I was punched a few times in the stomach. Then Henry pulled his knife out, my stomach dropped, and I began to cry more. But I knew the Losers club would have had to deal with this, so I sucked it up and just let it happen. Henry grabbed my left arm and started to slice down it from my elbow to my wrist. It wasn't deep, but it started to bleed. "Th-think that'll hurt me, Henry?" I asked, trying to sound cocky. He grinned at me, lifting my shirt up a bit before letting Patrick burn my stomach. I didn't scream, I knew it would alert the losers club, and I couldn't let that happen. I sucked it up and just closed my eyes. It hurt like fucking hell, but I didn't make a single noise.

Once Patrick was done, he stepped back and laughed, "Wow, your aren't a pussy like those losers your trying to protect" Belch let go of me, just to hold me in the air by my hair. Victor moved in front of me with a baseball bat. Belch hung me from a tree branch like a piñata. He moved away as Victor swung the bat at my body. All I could do was let him. After a few minutes, my body was covered in bruises, and my stomach bled through my shirt because of the burns. Belch took me off the branch before putting me in a choke hold. As I struggled for air, the other three just watched me. Belch finally let go, and I fell to the ground. I stumble as I get to my feet, shaking from the pain. I looked at them and managed to say, "An-anything else?"Henry smiles, "You're done for now." I nod and go to take a step but fall to the ground, hitting my head. It started bleeding, and I held my hand against the cut. I finally started to make some noise.

This was just like how I felt waking up after losing Markus. I just cried, I didn't bother to get up. Belch looked at Henry, which made Henry huff. Henry walked over to me and kicked me over to lay on my back, "Why did you falling and hitting your head make you crack and start whining like a fucking baby?" I whisper something, "Stop fucking being quite and speak up you fucking-" I cut him off screaming, "THIS REMINDS ME OF HOW I WOKE UP WHEN MARKUS WENT MISSING OKIE!?" I stare at the sky and cry more, "It's all my fault, I was left in charge! I was supposed to protect him!" I say, "but I only noticed he was gone when I saw you guys.." I said, my voice cracking at the end. "Wait, what?" Patrick said, "What do you mean by that?" Victor asked. I hesitated, "I heard the only reason you were nice to me the day Greta and I fought was cause you were trying to make me trust you so you guys could just fuck me and then dump me" he went to speak again, "After hearing that, I wanted nothing to do with you four. That's why when I saw you walking toward the park, I went to get Markus so I could leave." I stopped crying, "But now he's gone..." I whisper.

Before I could go to sit up, Belch picked me up."Thought you were done beating me?" I ask. Henry sighs, "No, we are. But we remember how you felt after he did... and we don't want you going through that again." He said as he now looked guilty for what they did. Victor looked like he was about to cry. And Patrick, well, he didn't look like he enjoyed hurting me. I smile slightly, "But if I'm not the one getting beaten up, you'll just go back to bullying the losers club. And I rather this happens than they deal with it." I say as I begin to cry again. The pain finally became too much to bear as I cried into Belch's shirt. "Then we won't. We won't hurt them" Henry said, the others looked shocked. "Well, I'm sure they wonder where I am, though. So you should, uhm, probably take me back?" They nod. Belch carries me back to the cliff as the Loser Club sat there.

Stan was the first one to see me and the Bowers Gang walking up, "Y/N!" He yelled and stood up. They were dressed now, probably waiting for me to get back, "Dont worry about me, but I think Henry here has something to say to you guys" I say and smile through the pain. The group looks at Henry, his face goes red as he looks away, embarrassed, "I-I uhm.... I'll leave you guys alone from now on..." He said and put his hand on the back of his head. The groups faces were all shocked, "Is this some kinda sick prank!?" Eddie yelled as he looked pissed, "Why would you ever stop bullying us!?" Richie yelled. I sigh, "If you don't believe him, then believe me. They'll leave you alone from now on" Bill bawled his fist up, "Because they'll do that to you from now on, won't they?" He screamed, not stuttering.

Everyone was shocked, Bill didn't stutter at all. I looked up at Belch to set me down, which he did. I then turn to the group, "Yes, that was the original deal I made with them. But now they won't hurt me." Belch helps me stand. "But to make sure of that, I'll hang out with them from now on. And none of you can change my mind. Bill, please take my bike home."  He nods and hands Victor my stuff.

The Bowers gang walks away, and Belch is carrying me again. "We'll go to my house so we can patch you up, okie y/n?" Belch says as we make it to the car. I lay across the back of Belch's car as he drives us to his house. My head on Victors chest, and my legs on Patricks lap. I ended up falling asleep due to being exhausted and in too much pain.

~Word Count 1379~

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