~Classes 1-3~

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~Your Pov~

I walk around looking for my classes. While doing so I run into Bill, Stan, and Richie. I smile a bit, "Hey guys!" The three turn to look at me and all of them smile back. Bill points to my schedule before asking, "Ne-need any hel-help finding a cl-class?" Now I realized who the guys from earlier were talking about. They were talking about me sounding like Bill, "Yeah I can't seem to find my 1st period class" I say as I hand him my schedule, "Oh you have class with me and Richie!" Stan says as the three of them look at my schedule. I smile knowing I'll have 2 people I know in my class, "You then have 2nd period with Eddie, then 5th is with Bill" I nod as Bill hands me my schedule back. "We should be getting to class so hot stuff here isn't late" Richie said as he leaned against a locker and smirking at me, "I'm flattered you think I'm... hot. But please don't call me flirty names" I say with an awkward smile. Richie noded and we head to our classes, telling Bill goodbye. We made it to our 1st period, the teacher said I could sit with Stan and Richie since it's my first day and the last week of school. We sit down, and the class begins. Halfway through the lesson, I had to use the bathroom. I asked the teacher if I could use the restroom, and when she said yes I left. I make it to the bathroom and run into a girl, I accidentally bump into her knocking me on my ass. When I look up I was met with a death glare, "Whatch it bitch!" She snapped at me before walking out. I sighed and got up, I used the bathroom and washed my hands. I walked out and walked back to class. Second period came pretty quick and went by pretty fast. Richie walked me to my second period so I could find it. Eddie waved, "Richie doesn't have this class, so I assume you do?" I nodded, and he let me walk in first, I waved goodbye to Richie and walk into class. I didn't have anything to do so me an Eddie just talk here and there. He did some work while I doodled in my notebook. He looked over, "Wow! Y/n, that's really cool!" He whispered yelled, I laughed a bit,"There just doodles Eddie" He shook ilhis head, "Doodles or not, that's really good!" I smiled, and before we knew it the bell had rung. I showed Eddie my next class and he walked me there. He looked in and his face dropped, "What's wrong Eddie?" I asked, worried now. "Victor is in your class! He's a part of the Bowers gang. You gotta be careful!" He said turning to me. I nod a but confused but shrugged it off, "Yeah I ran into him and the other 3 this morning -" Eddie cut me off, "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKIE? DID THEY BEAT YOU? DID THEY MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE? DID THEY-" I put my hands on his shoulders, "Eddie! They didn't do anything, just told me to basically not bother them" he nodded and sighed, "Just... just be careful, alright? They go after new kids when we have them" I nod and smile, "I'll be fine, but you should get to class before your late" I said and laughed when his face turned into shock, "OMG! I'm gonna be late!" He said and ran off, "See ya Y/n!" He said as he ran down the hallway. I laugh and walk into class, the teacher asks me to introduce myself, which I do. "Well, you can go sit next to.... Victor. Raise your hand, please." He raises his hand and seems annoyed. I got sit down next to him, and the lesson began. Not much I didn't already know, just a small recap for me. I start to doodle in my notebook again before its yanked off my desk, I look to Victor as he looks at them, "H-Hey, give that back please" I whispered. He kept looking and then handed it back,"You're pretty good" he mumbled. I smiled, "Thank you, Victor" He smiled a bit and went back to the lesson. Soon, 3rd period came to an end, I looked at my schedule, trying to figure out where it'd be. My schedule was yanked from my hands, I looked up to ask for it back before I saw it was Victor who yanked it. He looked at it for a second before giving it back. You have 4th With Belch. I'll show you it so you can find it after lunch. Let's go" he said, I took my schedule and put it in my pocket. I follow him to my 4th period class. He then turns around, "You have Patrick and Henry in your 6th period" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the classroom. He dragged me for a bit before stoping in front of the other 3, "Got your self a new slut Victor?" Patrick laughed out, "No you dumbass, she had 3rd period with me. She also has 4th with Belch and 6th with you two" he said. I looked down and realized he was now holding my hand. I tugged my arm back, and he let's go. Belch sighed, "Since you're new, I'll come get you after lunch to show you where our class is" I look up and nodded, "Thank you. I'm gonna go get something to eat so see you after lunch, Belch, " I said and started smiling. I turned around and walked off to go eat lunch. I didn't notice the 4 boys watching me walk away.

~Word Count 975~
An: Sorry, it's like cut short. It's already almost a thousand words, and it'll add more suspense lol

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