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~Your Pov~

I woke up and got ready for school. I had the same nightmare, except it looked like a playground instead of an alleyway. After putting on some clothes I grab my bag, walker and headphones. I put my shoes on and head down stairs, I made a quick bowl of cereal and ate it while watching TV. I double-checked my stuff and made sure I had everything. Same thing as yesterday, I let my mom know I'm leaving and head out. I walk to school and meet up with Stan and Bill. Eddie and Richie show up after me, and we chat while walking to the doors. That was until someone shoved Bill and Eddie into one another, making them fall. I go to yell at whoever it was and see it was the Bowers Gang who did it. "G-gonna cry B-b-b-billy?" Henry mocked Bill and how he stuttered. The gang walked off, and I sighed. I pull both the boys up, "Do they bully you guys?" I asked. "Yeah, but they are bully, so it's to be expected" Stan shrugged, looking at the Bowers gang pick on another kid. I bawl my fists up, "I don't get it then. Why were they so nice to me yesterday?" "False sense of hope and security. They probably just wanna fuck and dump you" Richie said and earned a punch in the arm from Eddie. I look at him confused, "Fuck and dump?" Bill sighed, "Every g-girl here's at le-least done th-the d-deed with one of th-them, if not all f-four. So th-they were probably try-trying to get you to tru-trust them enough so-so they could fuck you." He said disgusted. I felt disgusted they would do that. "Well, if they keep bullying, you tell me, okie?" The boys nod, and we all walk inside. I get glared at and looks of shock and surprise. It's probably because of the fight yesterday, I hear one kid, though. "She tried to flirt with the Bowers gang yesterday morning. That's why Greta got into a fight with her. I mean, why else would she go after the new girl like that?" WHAT THE FUCK? IS THAT WHAT EVERYONE THINKS OF ME NOW? I say to myself. I look down and head to class with Stan and Richie. During my classes all I could do was hear people talking about me, talking about how I threatened Greta before school. Or I tried to get into the Bowers gangs pants. Which was absolutely gross and nasty. God, what did I do to deserve all of this? NOTHING! Absolutely dog shit. I felt pissed off and disgusted. While I was in 3rd, I ignored Victor's attempts to talk to me. Remembering what Richie and Bill said I wanted nothing to do with them. And especially after what they did this morning, I can't believe I thought they were nice people. While at lunch, I refused to even eat, I didn't want to. I made sure that no one tried to talk to me. Not even to Stan and them. During my 4th period, Belch kept passing me notes. Every single one asked if I was okie. I just crumpled them and gave them back. It went on like that for the next classes. I moved when Henry and Patrick tried to talk to me. I didn't care what they wanted. As soon as the end of the day came, I stormed off and ignored both groups of boys. I went and got Markus from his school and walked home to drop our bags off. He changed into his outside clothes, a white and black striped coat with a little grizzly bear on it. Then he had a hole on one of the sleeve ends. I didn't bother changing, I just grabbed my notebook and some drawing stuff. I stuff it in my satchel and grab a snack. "Mark, you ready to go?" He nods and slips on his shoes. I grab my wristwatch and slip it on. We leave, I lock the door, and then we're off to the park. My mom told me which streets to follow so I could find it. Once we get there, he runs off and starts playing on the toys. I sat down and began to doodle. I doodle for an hour or so checking on Markus sometimes. I then hear the familiar voices of the Bowers Gang. I quickly look for Markus, so I can say it's time to leave, but he's gone....

I got up putting my stuff in my satchel and began to call his name, "Mark?" I start walking around calling his name. The Bowers Gang made it to the park before I could leave, but now I didn't care, "MARK THIS ISNT FUNNY!" I yelled, getting pissed off.

~3rd Person Pov~

The Bower Gang stand there as they watch y/n yelling for her brother. "Guys, it's y/n" Victor says, "Well no shit you idiot!" Henry said and watched y/n, "MARKUS FOR FUCKS SAKE WHERE ARE YOU!" "Didn't she say she calls him Mark?" Patrick spoke up. Belch looks worried now, "Guys, what is she doing?..." they watch y/n walk over to a tree and start punching it over and over before they run over and pull her back. "Y/N STOP!" "HES GONE! HES FUCKING GONE! I CANT FIND HIM" they watch her start crying. Belch pull y/n into a hug. But y/n shoved away and walked off yelling again, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH-" She stopped yelling and just looked at the woods, she drops her satchel running to the woods. The Bowers gang chased after her, Patrick grabbing her bag on the way.

~Your Pov~

THAT FUCKING CLOWN, GOD DANMIT NO! I run toward the Clown. He was holding Markus by the back of his neck. But before I can even get close, the Clown turns around and pulls Markus away. I run as fast as I can after him running straight into the woods. I duck under neath branches and jump over stuff. I wasn't letting that fucking Clown take my brother. I kept running, but then everything went black.

~Word Count 1048~

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