~Day 4~

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A/N: if you haven't seen Richie's Arcade scene in the second movie then this won't make a whole lot of sense. But I recommend looking up "IT Chapter 2 Arcade Scene" on YouTube. I can try to put it as the image cover for this chapter, but idk if it'll work or not.

~3rd Person Pov~

You wake up and stretch, you check the time and read 7:39am. You groan and roll over, but that's when you see a red balloon floating outside your window. You immediately go to get out of bed, rushing to get away from the balloon as soon as possible. You get entangled in the blanket and slip off your bed and land on the floor with a loud thump. You scramble to your feet and just stare at the balloon, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in. The balloon slowly spins around, and your brother's missing poster come into view. Tears weld up in your eyes as you stared at the balloon. 'Have you seen me?' 'Markus (insert your cool last name)' 'if you have any information please call 'XXX-XXX-XXXX'. You let out a chocked sob as the balloon pops and that sinister clown laughs. You don't see the clown, but you know he's in the room with you. You immediately run out of the room only to get pushed down the stairs. You look back as you fall and you see the clown, "You'll float soon... soon y/n."

You try to grab the railing and try hard to stop but your grip isn't good enough. You hit the bottom of the stairs and hit your head hard on the floorboards. It takes you a second before you can get up, your head hurts a bit. You can't tell if you're crying from seeing you brother's missing poster, or from falling down the stairs. You shuffle over to the fridge and open the freezer; you grab an icepack and hold it on your head. You remember you had made plans to go get ice cream with the boys and then go to the arcade. You shuffle over to the phone and dial Belch, "Belch..." was all you could say before your yanked up. "Y/N? Hello?" you could hear Belch say on the other side of the pone. "Belch.... help..." The clown wrapped his clawed hand around your throat and slowly squeezed causing you to wheeze out. The clown picks up the phone off the ground as he looks you in the eyes, "Y/n's going to float.... but don't worry.... she'll be with her brother soon.... tootlaloo Belchie..." he rips the cord and disconnects the landline.

You tear up again as the clown chuckles, "poor, poor, little y/n.... you couldn't even protect your dear brother... what makes you think you'll save yourself?" he grinned before throwing you into a bookshelf. You slump to the ground and some books fall on you. You get up and before you can even do anything the clown swings his claws into your back and you get thrown a few feet forward into the kitchen table, you end up knocking some stuff off and hit one of the chairs. You scream for help as you try to get up, but the clown picks you up by your hair and chuckles, "No one will come to save you.... why would they? you let your brother go missing.... you couldn't even watch him for an hour or two... how pathetic.... your useless.... stupid.... and no one would care if... you just.... went missing too..." it grinned even more, showing it sharp white teeth.

Just as its mouth opens unnaturally and it pull your head into its mouth the front door slams open, "y/n what.... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" You recognized the voice, it was Victors, "HOLY SHIT! " That was Patrick's voice. The clown snaps its head in their direction and slowly closes its mouth, "Guess your little boy bands come to save you.... too bad they won't be able to save you next time...." It throws you into the two as Heny swings his bat at the clown. The clown goes poof and disappears. You knock over Patrick and Victor and all 3 of you land on the floor, Belch runs into the house and looks around. "Y/n! I grabbed the guys and came over.... w-what the fuck happened!?" He looked around the now trashed house.

You sob into Victor arms and Patrick tries to calm Herny down. Henry was yelling at the clown to come back, saying he'll kill him and rip his stupid ugly face off when he catches him (sorry to the pennywise lovers/fans, I love my boy pennywise, but you know Henry would call him names and stuff, I mean come on its Henry we're talking about). Belch runs upstairs and grabs a fist aid kit and quickly comes back down and helps Victor get you onto the couch, "HENRY CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND GET THE GOD DAMN BLOOD CLEANED UP!" Belch yells at Heny and he snaps out of it, "S-shit dude...." he says under his breath now seeing all of the blood on the floor and table.

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