~Day 3~

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You were running though the woods, the same woods your brother went missing. You were running from the same fucking clown that snatched him, you kept running stopping for nothing. That was until you come across your brothers mutilated bloody corpse, you come to stop and your eyes widen in horror. You rush to his corpse and start frantically trying to wake him up as you sobbed, you kept screaming to wake up. You thought no one was around to help, that was until you hear someones voice, "Y/N~...." You snap your head in the direction and it was Henry, the other 3 boys stood behind him, "O-oh my god Henry, thank fucking god. Guys please h-help me, hes bleeding a-and hes die-" but you were cut off, "Oh but its your fault, you were supposed to watch him Y/N~...." It wasn't until then you noticed the creepy and sinister grins across their faces as they move to surround you, "G-guys?..." your voice breaks as you look back at your brothers corpse, "I'm dead because of you Y/N! You got me killed!" your brothers dying corpse says with anger, but he had the same sinister grin. Your eyes widen as you watch your brother start to drool blood, but it floats up.... You look back at the other 4 boys around you, each one was mutilated far worse then your brother. If you weren't already looking at them, you wouldn't have been able to recognize them at all. They all repeat 1 thing that makes you horrified.... "You'll float too"

You jump awake, you felt hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you sit up. You had started crying, you wipe your eyes while looking over at your clock, 8:39am. You got up and sighed, "Why do I keep waking up so early? It's fucking summer!" you say frustrated but decide to get ready to go. "Ill see what time my boys are picking me up..." and you trail off. 'Wait.... My boys?....' you think to yourself. 'There's no way I just said My boys.....' But the more you replay the words in your head, the more you realize that you had indeed said 'my boys'. You shake your head and huff out, "What the fuck am I saying?" You head to your closet and pick out a cute outfit, after that you fix your hair and nod in conformation. You head downstairs and pass your brothers room, you think back to the last time you were in there. You hadn't lost hope that your brother wasn't dead, but you knew if he wasn't.... that clown was torturing him to the point of death. You started getting emotional and decided to walk away before you had started crying.

You head down the the 1st floor and call Belch first. You dial his home phone and after a few rings someone picks the phone call up, "Oh hey Y/n!" Belch said on the other end of the phone. You smiled hearing his voice, "Hey Belch, what time did you plan on getting me? I'm already ready to go" It's a bit quiet for a second, "How about now? I'll pick you up first so the other 3 idiots can get ready. Heaven forbid they make you wait any longer" He chuckled a bit, "Alright. I'll wait for you then. See you when you get here Belch." "Yeah, see you then" With that you both hang up. You grab a apple(unless you don't like them) and eat it for a quick little snack before you ear a shit ton of sugar.

After a bit you can hear the sound of Belch's car pulling up and then turning off and then a knock at your door. You open it and smile when you see Belch, "Hey Belch, you didn't have to get out or anything?" "Oh... i know i just wanted to see if your body is healing okay since.... the thing" You could see the discomfort and what you could only think was guilt in his eyes as he thinks back at what the 4 boys did to you. "Yup, I'm alright" you say trying to sound as reassuring as possible. He nods and looks away, "Well are you ready to go?" You nodded and we both headed out of the house.

You both get in his car, you in the passenger seat. "Victor is the closet out of the other 3, so we'll pick him up first, then Patrick, and then Henry since he is the furthest" Belch says and turns the car on. You nod and he starts driving. After about 6 or 7 minutes you pull up to what you assume is Victor's house. He waits a minute before Victor comes out and hops in the backseat behind me. He seems shocked, "Your sitting in Henry's seat!? Belch why didn't you tell them about Henry's seat!?" he started to become panicked, "He'll get so mad!" Belch spoke up to stop Victor from freaking out too much, "He'll be fine, he can get over it. Plus Y/n can just move into the back with you and Patrick when we pick Henry up"

Belch drove to Patrick's house as you stayed in the passenger seat, "Will he actually get mad?" you ask. Belch spoke up, "He gets mad at Victor and Patrick for sitting in it yes, but i don't think he'll get mad at you" you nodded and soon you were at Patrick's house. Patrick came out after another few minutes. He also got in the back, "I see Doll Face is sitting in the front today? Wonder how mad Henry will get" he grins and sits back.

Belch starts driving to Henry's house, once there you see Henry come out and try to get in the back but you hear Henry voice shout, "Hey!" you froze thinking you'd be yelled at, "Don't worry Princess. Patrick scoot. Now." Henry walked up to the car before hoping in the back behind you so Victor/ was in the drivers back seat, Patrick in the middle and Henry behind you. "Lets get some Ice cream!" You say to everyone as Victor and Patrick did the 'WOO!' sound. Belch just laughed and drove back into town.

You look at Henry through the side mirror and smiled, your eyes meet and his face turns red as he looks away. You giggle a bit and you all get ice cream, after that you all hung out a bit longer before you decide to head home. you get dropped of in the same order you were picked up, Henry was first, then Patrick, and then Victor. You were the last one to get dropped off. You say your goodbye to Belch and get out. You continue your night thinking of what you'd do tomorrow.

~Word Count 1135~

A/N: Im beyond sorry this took so long, i have ideas for chapters but i just cant find words to put them in.

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