~One Hell of a Morning~

810 7 7

C/y/c = Clothes of your choice

~Your Pov~

I walked around the town looking for my brother. He had run off ahead of me while we were coming back from getting ice cream. I saw him dip behind a building and into an alleyway. I ran after him as fast as I could, I turned the corner and was greeted by my little brother being held in the air by the back of his shirt. I started to look at what was holding him. It was a Clown. The Clown started to laugh, which in turn made my brother cry out for help, "Y/N HELP ME! I WANNA GO HOME!" He yelled out to me, crying. But I couldn't move, something was stopping me from moving my legs. I watched as the Clown ripped open my brothers stomach. I screamed and yelled no, but the Clown dropped his body to the cold, wet alley floor. I stared at his lifeless body as I began to cry. I look up at the clown, and the Clown just laughed. After what feels like hours, the Clown stops laughing. He just smiles and says, "He'll float too" He says over and over again getting louder and louder.

I wake up. Sitting up, I look around my room. I felt something on my cheeks, I go to wipe it away while I check the time, 6:27am. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep and decide to get ready for my first day of school, it was only 4 more days before school ended. I got out C/y/c and set them on my bed. I quickly change into them and go into the bathroom. I do my hair (make up is optional) and brush my teeth. I look at myself, thinking back at the dream. I remember my brothers body as it laid there, I shudder and shake the thought away. I leave the bathroom and grab my school bag, I pack everything I need and grab my walker and headphones. I wrap the head phones around my neck and stick the walker in my pocket. I check the time, 6:58am. With that I quickly head down stairs and grab an apple to eat. My Dad left for work already and my mother should be up right about.... now. My parents door opens and I can hear my mother walk to my brothers room. I double check I have everything before I call up to my mom, "I'm gonna head to school!" I waited for her reply, "Okie don't forget your picking your brother up after school!" She said. With that I left the house, grabbing my walker and putting on my headphones I put on some music. I managed to get to school at 7:17am. I walk towards the doors to go inside before I'm pulled back by my backpack. I stumble back but bump into someone, my headphones are yanked off and ripped away pulling my walker with it. I look up and am met by 3 boys, I look up and kinda behind me. Another boy stood there, he had a baseball cap styled hat and was on the heavier side. I look back in front of me and look at the other 3, the one holding my walker has midnight black hair that was semi long, just barley past his jaw. The one in the middle had a dirty blonde mullet. And the one to the right of that guy had platinum blonde hair that was parted to one side with the other being kind cut short. The one with a mullet speaks up, "You look new here, what's your name?" I looked down and then back up unsure of what to do, "My n-names y/n" I said nervously. The one on to the right started laughing, "Henry, she sounds like that loser Bill!" He laughed a bit more, before earning a smack to the back of his head by the one in front of me. "Shut up Vic" he turned back to me, "well then y/n, you'll learn right here and right now. If you don't piss us off or give us a reason to, we won't beat your ass. The one behind you is Belch, the one to my left is Victor, and the other idiots Patrick" he said almost like a threat at first. I noded as Belch walked in front of me and behind the other 3. Patrick hands me back my walker with a wide grin. I shuddered as the boys turn to leave, Henry turns back around, "See you later, Prinsess."
I stand there for a moment before I head inside myself, I got to the office and got my schedule. I leave to go find my classes, the last few days of school is gonna be fucking hell I just know it.

~Word Count 860~

I'm so sorry the image isn't in the normal spot it would be. For some reason I'm not able to upload any images to the header, but I am able to add them to the story itself.

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