~Day 1 Part 2~

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~3rd Person Pov~

You got ready to hang out with the boys. You remember when they all said bye, one after the other getting shoved so the others could say goodbye. They had a great friendship between each other, and it made you smile. You just wish they were nicer to the Loserclub before you made that deal with them. You still had marks all over your body from the other day, and the bandages on your stomach needed to be changed. You went to your bathroom and started playing music. You lifted your shirt up and pulled it off. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were going to be hanging out with the 4 guys who had done this to you in the first place. You hesitated but started to remove the bandages. It hurt a lot still, so you did it slowly.

You didn't realize at first, but the wounds started to re-open and bleed heavily. You started to feel dizzy and started to lose your balance. You looked at the floor and saw your pants stained in blood as blood spilled onto the tiled flooring of your bathroom. Your eyes began to become blurry, and as you went to sit on the edge of the bathtub, your hands missed the edge entirely and you fall into the tub, you try to get up but your hands were covered in blood and it made it difficult for you to try and pull yourself back up. As you try to grip for stuff, you wipe blood all over the walls, the edge of the bathtub, and all over the side of the sink.

The bleeding hadn't stopped, and you were starting to cry and panick. The pain got worse as you tried to grab at stuff, so you eventually just sobbed loudly in hopes someone would hear you, but eventually your throat started to become sore and you just laid on the bathtubs floor. Your hair was put up, thankfully, so it didn't get soaked in your own blood. You hear the boys pull up after a few minutes and then some honking. Eventually, after what felt like forever, you hear the car shut off, and then some knocking on your door. You tried to yell out for them, but it hurt to even whisper. You continue to lay in the tub as they come inside, "Y/n? We're here, let's go!" You hear Patrick yell. You couldn't call out for them, so instead, you swung your arm at the sink in hopes they could hear your music player fall.

It hurt like hell, but you managed to knock it off. It hit the ground with a very loud thud. From the sound of it, you assumed it broke when the music stopped playing. Now that your music was off, you started slowly hitting your fist against the wall, which made some noise. You began to do Morse code. You only knew S.O.S, so that's what you did. You found out that Belch knew some Morse code from movies and such. You couldn't hear the boys talk, so you assumed they were looking for you. You knew it was going to hurt worse, but you hit the wall with your fist just a bit harder, so the noise was louder. You hear someone say something, and then footsteps rush up to your room. You hear your door be slammed open, "Y/n where are you!?" You hear Belch call out. You sucked it up as much as you could and said, "Here." You hear him walk to your bathroom door.

You hear it creak open. You looked over as best as you could and barely saw the top of Belch's hat. You hear him gasp and quickly walk over to your bathtub, "Belch what's going on-" You hear Victor start to say, then hear him yell for Patrick and Henry. You look up at Belch and just cry more. He looked around and grabbed a dark colored towel and turned back to you, "This may hurt... a lot." You didn't know what he meant, but before you could figure it out, he pushed the towel against your stomach. You screamed in pain as he started to apologize, and he just yelled at Victor to find towels and the medical stuff and to find it now. He nodded and left, Patrick and Henry stepped into your bathroom as you continued to scream in pain and weakly try to push Belch away. Henry told Patrick to go help Victor while he helped Belch.

He quickly walked over to you and Belch. He looked at you and just got onto his knees and grabbed your hands, "Y/n, he needs to do this so the bleeding stops some, just squeeze my hand, okie?" He said to you, you nodded slightly and immediately squeezed his hands. You knew it hurt him, but his face never changed. Soon Patrick and Victor came back in, Patrick had a bucket of cleaning supplies and the medical stuff. Victor had his arms full with towels and wash cloths. Victor set them on the sink, Belch turned to the other three boys, "We need to get her out of the bathtub so I can fix up her stomach again, Henry I need you to help me lif her up and out of it, Patrick I need you to get towels laid out on the ground and Victor I need you to get one of the wash cloths wet." He said, not rudely or bossy, but firm and assertive.

Victor got a wash cloth wet while Patrick laid 2 towels on the ground away from the blood puddle. Henry and Belch looked at you with apologetic faces before gently picking you up. You screamed again and shut your eyes tight. The movement made your stomach start to bleed again, but only a little. Patrick got the medical supplies ready and got some rubbing alcohol. You shook your head no as they set you down on the towels, "Y/n, it's okie. We're here now, okie?" You shook your head no and started to thrash your arms around to try and get them away.

You knew how much that shit would burn, "Henry you need to hold her arms still!" Belch yelled as he tried to hold you still. Henry nodded and pinned your arms down, not hard but enough to keep you from moving them. Victor walked over to you with a washcloth and looked at you, "Open your mouth Darling" you shook your head no but instead he gently forced you to open it and then he basically used the washcloth to gag you. "We dont want to have to do this, but we need you to hold still and be a bit quieter, okie?" You slowly nod. Belch looked at you, "I'm taking the towel off, okie?" You nod again, and he takes it off. You bite as hard as you can, so you dont scream, but you still yell a bit. Henry, who's still holding your arms down, rubs them with his thumbs as best as he could.

You hear Belch and Patrick say something before you pass out. You lost so much blood and so quickly that you fell unconscious. The boys started freaking out, Henry probably freaking out the worst out of them all. He started yelling for Belch to hurry up and to make you better. He was on the verge of tears now, "Belch! Fix it now!" Victor told Patrick to pull Henry out of the room while he helped Belch. Patrick nodded. He walked up behind Henry, Henry didn't notice because he was hysterical. Patrick quickly grabbed Henry and picked him up.

Henry began to thrash in Patricks arms, but Patrick just carried him out. Victor quickly took Henry's place and gently held your head in his lap. He knew that he was freaking out too, but he knew he'd be better to help than Henry right now. Patrick held Henry in his arms tightly, one so he couldn't thrash his arms around and two so he could comfort him. Patrick wasn't the best with comforting people. If anything, he found people who showed so much emotion were pathetic, weak, stupid, etc. But he knew Henry all too well by now. The only time he'd ever cry over someone was if he loved them or cared very deeply about them. He remembered all the times he'd have to comfort or at least attempt to comfort Henry when he was crying. He would always cry when his dad beat him or if he was reminded of his mom. Henry started to sob. He hated being like this in front of the other three, but he just couldn't help it.

After about 2 hours, you wake up. You realized you weren't laying in the tub of your bathroom anymore. Instead, you were being hugged by someone. You were about to freak out when you see who it was. It was...... Henry? It was him, no doubt about it. You looked at his face more and realized it was red, his eyes were puffy, and he looked like he'd been crying for hours. You had never seen him like this, nor did you ever think he could cry. He looked like a scared child. You instantly wrap your arms around him and rub his back, "I see you're awake, Angle." You hear someone say, but you knew it was Belch based off the nickname. You look over Henry's shoulder to see Belch standing in your bedroom doorway. You nodded a little and looked at Henry again, "He was crying pretty bad earlier. You ended up passing out from how much blood you lost as fast as you did. He had to be taken out of the bathroom, and when I finished fixing you up and brought you out, he refused to let you go. The other two went to get you some y/f/i/c and y/f/d (your favorite ice cream and favorite drink. Mines just regular chocolate chip not mint, and i love chocolate milk)." You felt bad, knowing that you made Henry cry. You lifted your hand to his check and rubbed it. But by doing so, you woke him up. When he saw you awake, he started to tear up, "Y/n" was all he could say before burying his face into your shoulder and crying again, not as bad as before. Belch sat behind him and rubbed his back. You held Henry as tight as you could without hurting yourself as you told him you were okie now.

The other two show up, and by then, Henry sat up, but he had you in front of him. You all decided to stay at your house, Victor called his mom to let her know he wouldn't be coming back, and that they decided to stay at your house with you. You guys watched cartoons and just relaxed.

~Word Count 1842~

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