~Day 1 Part 1~

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~3rd Person Pov~

Today was the first day you hung out with the Bowers. To say you were nervous would be a huge understatement. You were nauseous from being so nervous. You stared at the shirt Belch let you keep. You put your clothes back on before you left his house, but he said you could keep his. You didn't want to protest being in too much pain, so you agreed to keep it. But now you don't know what to do with it. 'Would it be weird if I wore it? Would it be weird not to wear it? Would it be weird if I kept it on a stuffed animal and pretended it was Bel-'

You stopped thinking. "What the fuck am I thinking!?" You whisper yelled to yourself. "The only reason someone would want to pretend that the stuff animal they cuddle with is a person is because they... love... them" you stopped talking and just starred at the shirt. You didn't really think much about love since your ex-boyfriend of 3 years cheated on you with your best friend before you moved. You hated how easily he just told you, he didn't even hesitate to tell you the day you left.

~Quick Lil Flashback~

Your father and brother were waiting in the car outside your boyfriends house. Your mother and his mother had grown quite close themselves. You were trying hard not to cry in front of him. He was a bit distant recently, but you thought it was due to him being upset you were moving states away. Your mothers were talking in the kitchen, "Y/n, I'm breaking up with you. I don't love you anymore, i love your best friend now. We have been dating for the past couple of months behind your back." When you met his face, his gaze was blunt, and his words were numb. You stood up, and so did he. Your mother's walk in just as you pull your hand back and slap his face HARD. The sound echoed throughout the room, and your mother and his were shocked. "YOU CHEATING PRICK! I LOVED YOU FOR 3 YEARS AND YOU GO AND DATE MY BEST FRIEND FOR A FEW MONTHS? THEN YOU WAIT TILL IM LEAVING, POSSIBLY FOREVER FOR YOU TO TELL ME!?" You screamed at him, tears now flowing out of your eyes like small waterfalls. Both of your guyses mothers were furious. His mother yelled and screamed at him, telling him he was a disgusting asshole, and telling him she was disappointed in him and she would never let your best friend into her house. Your mother hugged you and then walked you to the door. After a minute, you stopped sobbing, and then his mother walked out. She looked at you and hugged you, "I'm so sorry honey, I had no clue he was doing that" She said with a soft voice. "I-its okie mrs, I kinda knew something was wrong... he was being so distant the past few months, but I thought that was because I was going to be moving.." You said, your voice cracking at the end as more tears threatened to spill out. "I won't let that girl anywhere near my house, I really thought you two were a great couple. But now I've seen how my son truly felt about you, and I will not let him get away with it. He'll be grounded the rest of school and all of summer." She said with a sad but small smile. You nod and thank her for everything she's done and hope she has an amazing life and you hope to come visit her sometime. She smiles, "that would be lovely dear, and if you have a boyfriend by then you should bring him too, I would love to meet him!" She says as she laughs a bit. That makes you smile a bit, "I'll definitely do that then" you also laugh a bit. You and your mother say your goodbyes and walk to your car. As you're backing out, you can see your boyfri-, ex-boyfriend looking at you from the window. Hatred filled in his eyes. When he was angry with or hated someone so much, he'd become physical with them. You shuddered at the thought of him trying to hurt you. You feared that side of him so much. You began your long road trip to your new house.

~End of Lil Flashback~

You were crying, you wiped your tears away, and that's when your phone started ringing. You answer it, to yelling, "I WAS GONNA ASK HER!" Someone yells, "NO WE WERE GOING TO MY HOUSE, SO I'M SUPPOSED TO ASK HER" It was Patrick and Victor. They were bickering, and then they yell in union, "HENRY GIVE IT BACK." Then you hear Henry speak, "We are going to Victor's house, and because you said you are going to hangout with us now you have to come with, so what time do you want us to pick you up?" You ponder. You look over at your clock, 9:27am. "9:45 should work?" You hear Henry tell the others. Then you hear Victor yell to who you assume is Belch. "He says he can work with that, so we will come pick you up now, since we will need to get ready ourselves." You smile, "Alright, see you boys soon, and tell Belch I said to drive safe!" You tell Henry, and you hear him chuckle softly, "Will do princess, see you soon" You hear him get shoved away, "BYE DOLLFACE!" Patrick yells, then you hear him yell out as he's shoved, "BYE DARLING!" Victor says, then you hear Victor get shoved, and then Patrick yell again. You assume Victor got shoved into Patrick, you giggle and then hear Belch. "Bye angle!" You hear him say. He didn't yell, but it was loud enough for you to hear over the other two fighting again. You giggle and say bye, with that you hung up and smiled.

~Word Count 1011~

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