~After School~

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~Your Pov~

Belch quickly took a liking to Markus, only cause Markus thought Belches Blue Trans Am was cool. Markus taps Henry's shoulder, "Hey, mister?" Henry looks to my brother and glares but stops when he sees Belch glare at him. My brother starts talking again, "You look really cool too, mister.... "Henry, my name is Henry." Markus nodded and looked at Patrick, "That's Patrick." Then Markus looked at Victor, "And that's Victor" Henry told Markus their names, "Wow! You guys are so cool. Are you like my sisters boyfriends or something?" The car went dead silent. The only thing that could be heard was the now quiet radio. "Well?" Markus looked at me now, "Ma-mark, we are just.... classmates. They offered to give me a ride, but since I had to get you after school, they picked you up too. " He frowns, "But they seem so cool! Why aren't they your boyfriends?" Patrick went to chime in but was shot a death glare by Henry, "Because I don't need a boyfriend Mark" he, looked outside the front window and sighed,"They should be your boyfriends" "Mark just drop it okie, I'll give you some candy if you do?" Mark immediately stopped and, "Promise?" I sigh, "I promise" he smiles, and we eventually get to our house. Mark and I get out first. I unlock the door while the Bowers Gang comes in after me. I close the door and set my bag down, "You guys can sit down. Just don't make a mess, please, I'll be right back" I say to the boys as Markus and I go into the kitchen. I get Markus some candy and walk back out to the boys watching TV. Markus sits down next to Belch, Belch smiles and keeps watching TV. I watch the boys sitting down before the phone starts ringing, I walk away to answer. I answer the phone and before I could say a word I hear something I wished I would never hear, "He'll float too y/n" I couldn't breath, everything became a blur, "W-who is th-this?" I whisper to not alarm the others in the room over. "He'll float too. He'll float too. HE'LL FLOAT TOO. HE'LL FLOA-" I hang the phone up and step back, tears forming in my eyes. I stood there for a moment before I calmed myself down and wiped my eyes. I take a deep breath in and out before walking back into the living room. "Who was it sissy?" Markus asked me, "Wrong number" I say bluntly. He nods and goes back to watching TV, "Hey Belch, remember what you said you'd do when you dropped me off?" I said. He looks over, almost remembering he was supposed to fix up my sides. He nods and motions for the gang to follow, I walk upstairs and into the bathroom. I sit down on the bathroom sink and pull my shirt up enough so Belch can take care of my sides. The other 3 looked shocked, "Was that from her kicking you?" Victor asked, concerned. I nod and tell Belch where the first aid stuff is. We take a few minutes to patch my sides up. When Belch finishes, he says, "You do know that we all knew you were lying in the bathroom earlier?" I look down at the ground, "I know..." I say as tears formed in my eyes. "I didn't mean to cause the fight..." I say in a quiet voice. Belch nods and sighs, "Just be careful." The boys leave the bathroom, and we say goodbye as they all hope into their car and drive away. I look at Markus, I sigh and feel scared. whatever that Clown did to Markus in my dream could happen in real life. I thought it was just a nightmare, but what I heard over the phone. I don't think so anymore, unless I've gone crazy. I sit down and watch TV with Mark till our parents get home.

When our parents got home, my mom and I started to make dinner. While we ate my mom started to talk, "On my way home I saw a park, why don't you take him there after school?" She said. I nod and keep eating, "Y/n, how was your day at school?" She asks. I stop eating for a second, "It was okie.." I say. She sighs, "Y/n, I got a call from the school. They said you got into a fight with some girl during lunch?" She asked me, almost wanted to think it wasn't true, I looked at her, and I nodded in shame. I've always been a good kid, but today, that changed. "Why?" Is all she could ask. "Well, I was eating lunch, and she came up to me, I only remember bumping into her when I was using the bathroom this morning. She dumped my water bottle on my head, and then when I went to leave, she pulled me back and started to kick me. I only fought back out of self-defense because it started to get hard to breathe. I left to the bathroom, and some guys I met this morning helped me get patched up. One took me to the nurses office. And then they gave me and Mark a ride home so I wouldn't have to walk home." I say. My father's face turned into anger, "Why would she fight you over bumping into her?" He said, thinking I was lying, "I don't know? The boys said she's the mean girl in town, wouldn't be surprised if she picks on kids and is a bully too. " He sighed, "Are you okie, at least?" I nod, "the one who helped me to the nurse patched my sides up since they got bruised pretty bad, but said they would heal soon. And I got a split lip when the girl punched me" I say, pointing to my lip. My father nods, "It's your first day, and you already got into trouble." My mother looked at me, "Do you know the girls name?" I nod, "The boy said her name Greta Bowie?" She sighed, "Her mother used to be the biggest bully in school when I lived here. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where she got it from." I nod and finish up dinner. I get ready for bed and just lay in bed for an hour before falling asleep.

~Word Count 1079~

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