~Day 2~

376 10 2

~3rd Person Pov~

You wake up in your bed, you look at your alarm clock that's set next to your bed, 7:18am. You groan from waking up so early, but wince in pain a bit. That's when the events from yesterday come back, you slowly sit up and look around. You notice what looks like 4 figures laying on your floor, but it's still so dark in your room that your eyes were having a hard time adjusting. When your eyes finally adjust, you realize it's the Bowers Gang sleeping on your floor. You smile softly at them sleeping, and you stifle a giggle with your hand as you look at the way they are laid out on your floor. Belch was in the middle, Henry was spread out with Patrick's legs on him, and Victor was just laying halfway on Belch. 

It was funny but cute at the same time. At that moment, you realized you had small crushes for all 4 of them. You knew it was a bad idea to like the Bully's of the town, but they were making it hard to hate them. You sigh quietly as you get up and carefully make your way out of your room and downstairs. You get the idea to cook breakfast for everyone, but then you realize you don't know how to cook that well.... but that doesn't matter to you. You want to do something for the boys, you decide to make some eggs, bacon and some pancakes.

You get everything you'll need out and ready. You make the pancakes first, then the eggs, and lastly, the bacon. You check the time again 7:53am. You smile and make the boys plates and set them down at the table, you pour a glass of their favorite drinks. Victor gets apple juice, Belch gets water, Patrick gets orange juice, and Henry gets black coffee (these are my head cannons for their favorite drinks for in the mornings •-•). You go back up the stairs and head into your room. You grab 4 stuffed animals from your shelf and grin. You throw 1 stuffed animal at each boy causing them to wake up in a small panic and accidentally scare them. "Good morning you losers, breakfast is down stairs. Your plate is the one with your drink, if you can't figure it out then guess you can't eat." You say and walk back down with a smile on your face.

You sit down at the table and wait for them to come down. After a minute they finally do, they look at the cups and immediately sit down in their respective chairs and begin to eat. You smile a bit and watch them, "So? How is it?" you ask curiously. The boys smile before looking up at you, "Its good" Henry says, the other 3 nod in agreement. You smile and get up, "You guys make a plan for what to do today while i go change" you say as you go back up to your room.  You close your door and start looking for clothes. A knock on the door is heard, "Hey Y/n? How does swimming at the Quarry sound?" you think for a moment. You think it'd be fun, "Sure just let me change!" Which ever boy it was says okay and leaves. You grab you bikini, it was a nice color, plus it fit you just right and was so comfortable to wear. You change into it and then put some shorts and a baggy t-shirt over it and grab your shoes and put them on.

You head downstairs and find the boys already to go. They said they'd just wear their shorts that they had to swim and you nodded at them. The 5 of you head to the Quarry in Belch's car and blast AC/DC. You were in the back sitting in the middle, Victor was to your left while Patrick was to your right. After some time you all finally get to the trail that leads to the Quarry and Belch parks right by it. You all head down the trail and that's when you notice a red balloon floating a few feet away. It seemed to be at least 20 to 30 feet away but you shrug it off not thinking much about it. You finally get to the Quarry and head up to the cliff (The same one the losers jumped off when they went in the movie) the boys take their shirts of and you look away as you try not to stare.

You start taking of the clothes you put on over your swimsuit, the boys glance over before  looking away quickly. You notice their faces turn red and you yourself blush, "W-well lets go now" you say and walk up to the edge of the cliff, you jump off and the boys follow after you. You spend a few hours hanging out with the boys, you all get out of the water and dry off. It wasn't too dark so Patrick suggests you make a fire and just chill for a bit. You all agree and Patrick grins, running off into the woods before getting some fire wood. He comes back carrying like 20 sticks.

You all sit for another hour or so until you start getting tired, you yawn and you don't remember who was next to you but you lean against their shoulder and fall asleep. The next thing you know your sitting in the back of Belch's car leaning against Victors shoulder. You look out the window and notice you guys were on the way to your house, "Did I fall asleep?" you ask a bit confused, "Yeah you did, but its alright we didn't mind" Belch says from the drivers seat. You nod and get dropped off at your house. "You guys want to hangout and go get ice cream tomorrow?" They all agree and with that, you head inside and get ready for bed. You smile, and fall asleep.

~Word Count 1000~

A/N: HOLY SHIT I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK WAY LONGER THEN I SAID IT WOULD. Ill try and be more on top of making chapters, Please forgive me for being lazy and taking so long!

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