~Lost and Found~

531 7 6

~Your Pov~

I sat up, putting my hands to my head. It was dark out and super cold. I went to check my wristwatch, but it was broken, "Fucking great..." I mumbled getting up and looking around. I remember what happened, "No... No, NO." I start to walk around frantically calling out for Markus, but my voice was so quiet. I started crying, I finally felt the pain from my sides, my head, and now my legs. All I could do was cry, I didn't have the strength to scream. That's when I heard voices in the distance. It was quiet. I couldn't make out the words. I waited a minute till they got a bit louder, and I could make out the words a bit.... MY NAME! The voices were saying my name... AND MARKUS! They were calling out our names, and I started limping towards the voices I fell a few times.

~3rd Person Pov~

Y/n kept going toward the voices calling her and her brothers names. She saw lights moving around, and it dawned on her. People were looking for her. She started trying to call out, but her voice was still quiet. She got an idea. With what strength she had, she picked up a rock and threw it a little way ahead of her in the direction of the lights, "Hey, I heard something over here!" A males voice said, and the person came into view. The man stopped and immediately yelled, "I FOUND THE GIRL!" He rushed over right as Y/n fell over exhausted. The man caught her, and the group of people came over. The group consisted of her parents, Bill and his parents, some other neighbors, a sherif, and Henry. The group gasped, her parents yelled, running over and holding y/n. The sherif told the other neighbors to go find the other groups and tell them to regroup. Henry walked over to y/n and looked at her parents, "I'll carry her back..." her father nodded and held his wife in his arms as she sobbed. Henry picked y/n up bridal style, "It's gonna be okie y/n..." He whispered, feeling guilty. He and his friends were the last people to see her before she went missing. She just cried into his shirt, "I... lo-lost him..." She said with a quiet and raspy voice. The group walked out, and the other groups were waiting. The Bowers gang were separated to tell people what y/n was wearing and what not, due to being the last people to see her.  Stan's family was in the group with Victor and his family, Eddie's with Belch's, and Richie's with Partick's. Stan, Eddie, and Richie all ran up to Bill, asking what happened. The sherif from early was Henry's dad, "Alright, everyone! We may have found the girl, but the little boy is still missing!" The rest of the Bowers Gang walked up to Henry and asked him what happened, "I don't know someone said they found her and when we saw her she looked like this..." He said. "U-uhm guys, her shirts ripped...." Victor said. The boys looked down at her shirt and immediately looked away. Her bra was exposed a little, Belch took his coat off and covered y/n with it. "That should work for now" an ambulance showed up and quickly took y/n out of Henry's arms and placed her in the back of the vehicle. Her mother went with them while her father stayed to look for her brother.


It was now Thursday. Y/n and her brother went 'missing' on Tuesday, but only y/n was found. Y/n was stable and okie to leave the hospital late Wednesday night. She heard that her brother was still missing. But she didn't have any energy to ask about it. When she got home, she just stayed in her room skipping school on Thursday. Her parents wanted her to stay home Friday, but she refused. She looked out her window and at the woods behind her house, feeling so guilty and blaming herself for her brother going missing. She eventually drifted off to sleep. She knew she wasn't crazy.... that fucking Clown took her brother.

~Word Count 721~

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