~Valentine's Day Special~

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A/n: I'm struggling to write the next chapter so I apologize, but for a little special gift I wanted to make a little Valentine's Day Chapter. :)

~3rd person Pov~

The boys all had been getting distant recently, sometimes running away from you in the hallways when they were talking. You began to wonder if they were gonna break up with you (this will be one of the ending routes for the main story btw). It was getting closer and closer to Valentine's Day and you were getting your hopes up of ever getting anything.

You were sitting in your bed around 4:18pm. You were reading a book when you heard something hit your window with a loud clunk sound. At first it startles you but you slowly walk over to your window and slowly look outside. There they were, Patrick, Henry, Victor and Belch, they looked at you through the window and Patrick motioned for you to come outside. You put up a finger and quickly change into something more casual, you write a little note on your bedside table and slide your shoes on before rushing to open your window. You climb out and are only a few feet above them when your shoe slips, you fall but lucky for you Belch and Henry catch you.

They let you down before Henry kisses your head, "are you alright princess?" You nod and smile, "yeah I'm alright Honey". You felt like things were about to go down hill and a pit filled your stomach. " Follow us Darling" Victor said and took your hand. You followed them to Belch's car and all got in before Blech drove off down the road. You ended up taking a small nap in the car, laying your head on Patrick's shoulder.

Eventually the boys wake you up and from the looks of things you're at the trail to the quarry. Patrick picks you up and gives you a piggy back ride. You kiss his shoulder and lay your head on the back of his shoulder. The 5 of you walk for a bit through the trees before you come to the same place you had that campfire the day you went swimming with them. You felt a bit confused but decided not to ask.

"What do you think Angle?" Belch says and looks at you. You look over Patricks shouldder and your eyes meet a little picnic. You feel shocked and your eyes fill with tears, thinking you hate it the boys start to look down. "It's perfect..." You whisper and the 4 boys smile before Patrick lets you down. You and the boys sit down and you sit in front of Henry and he wraps his arms around you.

Patrick goes into the woods and comes back with a bunch of wood. He grins and drops them in a little dug hole/pit before pulling out a lighter. He starts the small campfire, "Victor you got the stuff?" Belch looks over at Victor. He nodded and dug through a backpack, pulling out gram crackers, chocolate bars and a bag of marshmallows.

Patrick tosses Henry 5 decent sticks and Belch scoops you up before kissing the top of your head, "You won't be near Henry while he sharpens the sticks, don't want you to accidentally get cut Angle" you smile and he sits down with you in his lap. Victor laid his head in between your thighs and kisses them,"Love you Darling"

You spend the rest of the day making s'mores, having fun, and a bit of spicy stuff. (I'll probably make a single smut chapter if y'all really want).

~Word count 607~

A/n: sorry it's pretty short I go extremely tired when I was finishing it so my brain just stopped working lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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