~Lunch Fight~

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~Your pov~

I walk into the lunch room and grab my food, I look around and spot Stan, Richie, Eddie, and Bill. I smiled and walked over, "Hey guys!" they look over and smile, "So how was 3rd period with Victor?" Eddie said, the other three boys become shocked. I laugh a bit before sitting down, "He wasn't too bad. He was being kinda nice" I said as I began to eat, "No way, Victor was being nice. He's like a bully!" Richie said in surprise. I shake my head, "Well he wasn't mean to me?" I said, as I kept eating. The girl from the bathroom walked up to our table, "Hey you whore!" She slammed her hands on the table. I jumped a bit and turn to her, "uhm, yes?" I said nervously, "Don't go near the Bowers Gang if you know what's good for you!" She then grabbed my water bottle, opened it and dumped it onto my head, I just sat there as the whole lunch room fell quite. Then, it erupted into laughter. I grabbed my bag and  went to leave before she pulled me by my hair, making me fall onto the floor. She then punched me and started kicking me.

~3rd Person Pov~

Greta started to beat y/n. The Bowers gang walked into the lunch room after hearing the word fight. They looked surprised to see y/n getting the shit beat out of her by Greta. That was until y/n rolled into one of the kicks, grabbing her leg and rolling more to knock Greta over. She then gets on top of her and just punches Great straight in the face over and over again. She stopped once Gretas face was all bloody and bruised. Y/n stood up and walked out of the lunch room, not bothering to grab her bag. She shoved her way through the crowd of people and walked past the Bowers gang. She looked at them and looked away, leaving the lunch room. The Bowers Gang looked at each other before grabbing y/ns bag and leaving to find her. Bill, Stan, Eddie, a Richie sat there shocked and stunned. The boys see y/n walking into the bathroom, the boys' bathroom.

~Your Pov~

I stumbled to the sink, tears threatened to fall, but I wouldn't let them. I turned the sink on and started to try and clean my face. My nose was bleeding pretty badly. I sighed and jumped when I heard the door open. I turned and was met with the Bowers Gang, "Wh-What are you doing in here! This is the g-girls bathroom!" I yelled, but it came out raspy and horse. Victor stepped forward with my bag, "Well you forgot your bag, and this is the boys bathroom" he said bluntly. "Wait... the boys bathroom?" I said, he noded and Belch dug through his own bag as he pulled out a small first aid kit. Henry walked over, "Sit on the counter, now" I hesitated but pulled myself onto the counter. He stood against the bathroom stalls as Belch came over to look at me, "Well, it doesn't seem she broke your nose-" "Can't say the same for her!" Patrick said with a laugh as Henry shut him up with a smack to the head. "But why did she start the fight in the first place?" Victor asked, the boys looked at you. I didn't wanna tell them it was cause of them, "I accidentally bumped into her when I went to the bathroom..." My voice trailed off. Belch opened the first aid kit and dug around for some sanitation wipes. After he found one, he cleaned my face off. "It looks like your lip got split." I nod a bit, and he cleans it off. He then grabs some antibiotics and applies it to my lip. " You should go to the nurses office to get an ice pack. Your cheek may be bruised" he said, cleaning up the wrappers from the sanitation wipe. I nodded and slid off the counters. When my feet hit the ground, my legs gave out, and I started to fall over. Patrick grabbed me and pulled me up back up, "Belch, since you 2 have the same 4th, why don't you take her to the nurse?" Victor said, "Okie, give me her bag then" Victor handed him your bag and then grabbed his. He held his arm out for you, and you held onto it for balance. Belch walked me to the nurses, "Why did she really fight you?" He asked. He knew you lied, they all did but didn't bother to push it since you just got into a fight. "I did bump into her... but she came up to me and told me not to go near you guys if I knew what's good for me... then she dumped my water bottle on my head" I said with a quite raspy voice. Belch wrapped his arm around my waist to hold me up as he kept walking me to the nurses. When we got there, the nurse looked at me and immediately came up to us, "Oh my honey, what happened to you?" She said before looking at belch and immediately glared, "Did you beat this girl up!" I quickly shook my head no, "N-no ma'am! He didn't do this" I blurted out. She looked at me, "Then who did?" She asked, I looked up at Belch, "She's new, so today's her first day. So I highly doubt she'll know, but I saw who it was. It was Greta Bowie" he said. I sighed in relief, at least he knew who it was. "Well, why would she fight you if it's your first day?" The nurse asked as she got stuff out for an icepack, seeing I already got cleaned up. "I accidentally bumped into her when I went to the bathroom during class this morning. That is the only time I've run into her at all today" I said, the nurse looked at me to see if she could tell if I was lying, but with a shrug, she handed me the icepack, "Well she just left to go home before you two got here, it seems you got her back?" I noded, "I didn't mean to do that much to her. But at the time she was kicking me, so I didn't think it through. I'm sorry" I said as tears formed in my eyes and spilled out down my cheeks. She looked at me and sighed. "You don't seem like the kid who'd purposely hurt others, so I won't give you after-school detention" I smile, and Belch wipes my tears from my eyes. She handed handed me an icepack, and I put it to my cheek. She walked away, and I looked up at Belch, "Could we head to class, please?" He nods, "can you walk on your own?" I nodded slightly, "I think so? But my sides hurt a lot..." I said, he pointed to my shirt, "Will you show me Soni can assess it?" I noded hesitantly and lifted my shirt enough to show my ribs, "They are pretty bruised too. After school, you can ride home with us so you don't have to walk?" I smile but shake my head, "I can't, I have to pick my brother up from the elementary school" he laughs, "We can take you both home if ya want?" I nod, "Maybe." We start walking to class before lunch ends, talking on the way there.

~Word Count 1268~

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