~Last Day~

513 9 0

~Your Pov~

I woke up and got out of bed. I got ready for school and left without even saying anything to my mom. I put my walker on and played music. I ignore anyone and everyone who tried to talk to me. I immediately went to my class, and none of the boys thought I'd be at school today or at all after I was found. My classes go fast, and none of the Bowers gang even notice me.

Once lunch starts, I skip it and get everything in my locker, I bump into some kid and make him stumble a bit, "I'm sorry" the boy said. I sigh, "Don't worry about it. I wasn't looking where I was going." The boy smiled, "I'm Ben." he put his hand out to shake, I hesitated but shook it back, "I'm y/n..." He then put the dots together and realized you were the girl who was found after she was labeled missing for a few hours. Ben nodded, and we kinda talked about our summer plans. Ben said he wanted to learn more about the history of Derry. I nodded, and with that, the bell rang. We said bye and we went to class. I had Belch's coat in my backpack, and I was gonna give it back, but he skipped 4th period. I sighed and figured I'd just suck it up and give it to him with the others there. I finished my classes, and the other 2 boys also weren't in 6th period. Go figure they wouldn't be here the rest of the day.

After school was over, I waited a few minutes before leaving, and none of the boys were in the hallway, so I figured they'd already gone outside and left. But oh, was I wrong.

I walked outside and was met with the Bowers gang bullying Stan, Bill, Eddie, and Richie. I walked up and shoved Henry away from Bill as best as I could. I then grabbed Belch's coat out of my backpack and threw it at him, "Take your shit and fuck off!" I yelled and helped Eddie up. The Bowers gang looked at me and then left. Before I could say anything, the other boys all hugged me. "You stopped ignoring us!" Richie said. I laughed as they let go, and Bill spoke up, "S-since your.... br-brothers missing wanna jo-join our g-gr-group to look for h-him?" I felt hurt and upset, "Sure" Bill smiled, "We were gonna go look for this idiots brother down at the sewers today if ya wanted to come with?" Richie said. "No, I'm probably gonna meet up with Ben" The boys all nod, and we say goodbye. I start walking to the elementary school, but then stop. There was no point in me walking this way when he won't be there. I turn around to walk the other way and head straight for my house.

I got home and set my bag down, I grab my satchel, remembering it was the one I had when Markus was taken I put it down and grabbed a different bag, I stuff some doodle stuff in it along with a small pocket knife. After what happened with the Clown, I won't walk around by myself unarmed. I leave the locking it and walking to the library.

When I got to the library, I asked the librarian if Ben was there she said she thought he had left a few minutes ago. He was probably going home and he had mentioned where his house was, so I started walking there. On my way, I ran into the Bowers Gang picking on some kid again. I got mad and was just gonna tell them off, but I saw it was Ben. I immediately grabbed my backpack and pulled my knife out, "HENRY BOWERS YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled loudly scaring the boys. When they all stopped crowdingBen I saw his stomach bleeding and Henry was holding a knife. I got so mad I grabbed my bag again and started to swing it and threw it as hard as I could at Henry, making him drop his knife. Victor moved toward me, but I swung my knife at him. He jumped back and I yelled, "ILL TELL YOUR FUCKING DAD IF YOU DONT LET HIM GO!" Henry's face went pale and he let go of Ben. All of them did, and he ran to me. "Go to the sewers and find 4 boys. They are my friends, so they'll help you. Tell them I sent you to them." He nods quickly and goes to the sewer entrance where Bill and them are. The Bowers Gang immediately looked at me, "What the fuck y/n!?" Henry yelled. "What the fuck me!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" You yelled louder on the word you. "I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE NICE, BUT I GUESS YOU JUST WANTED TO FUCKING MESS WITH ME HUH?" I yelled more, "NOW ALL PEOPLE AT SCHOOL KNOW ME FOR IS THE SLUT WHO APPARENTLY TRIED TO FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!" you were crying at this point. "BOTH ME AND BEN ARE NEW KIDS HERE. BUT YOU TREAT ME NICE, BUT TREAT HIM THAT WAY!?" You had walked toward them now, but you got so angry you didn't notice Patrick had come behind you. He grabbed your arms, making you drop your knife. Henry walked up to you, "I'll make a deal with you..." You tried to swing on Hnery as hard as you could, but now Belch was the one holding you back, "I'll leave the loser shits alone if you take their place" Victor looked at Henry as if he thought it was too far. "Fine..." You stopped yelling and just looked down, "Just don't hurt them anymore, instead hurt me. " Belch loosened his grip a bit, and Patrick pulled Henry back a little. "We'll leave you alone for today, tho so you can go help that little fat ass. But tomorrow won't be so easy!" He yelled, but Blech let me go, I fell to the ground and just sat there. Henry crouched down and pulled me by my hair to make me look at him, "Your going to be taking the place of five shits, so what I just did to fat ass, will be five times worse for you" he let go and they left.

I quickly made it to the sewers and saw Richie was still there waiting for me, "About fucking time come one they headed into town already and are waiting for us at the pharmacy!" We got on his bike and headed off to the pharmacy. Only then did I realize how fucked my summer would be now...

~Word Count 1134~

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