Update about previous A/N

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Alright so remember how I said I wouldn't do any ships with character x character? Well maybe slight change of plans, I'm not sure though. The cover of this A/n is some small info I got about what Hobies age may be, I've crossed out names so no one that said anything gets backlash or targeted. Since I've read those I'm maybe considering doing ships, but I don't want to be wrong and then have backlash, if you all really don't care then I might do a few, but not anything smutty or inappropriate. Unless it's an character x reader, then maybe. But like for example IF, and that's a big fat IF. IF I decide to do punkflower and make a little thing on Miles x Hobie it'd be cute and fluffy, nothing inappropriate! But I'll have to think about it a lot before I decide. Sorry for this not being a chapter.


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