~Belch's House~

522 8 2

~Your Pov~

I'm woken up by a gentle shake. "Mmm, 5 more minutes" I mumbled and tried to fall asleep, but my whole body was in pain. I groan and open my eyes. I'm met with Patrick looking at me, "Finally, sleeping beauty woke up" he says and smiles, not like his usual creepy one. I looked around and realized I'm in the back of Belch's Blue Trans Am, Amy is what he called her.

I go to move but I immediately flinch in pain which just makes it feel worse in my legs, "What the fuck happened?.." I mumbled out as I close my eyes trying to remember, "Nevermind..." I say before any of the boys could say. "Just fix it. Before it hurts more, please." I sigh as they manage to get me out of the car. Belch opens the door, and they take me to his room. Henry is the one holding me, "I'm sorry y/n" he whispers before looking down at me, and I think he was about to kiss me.

Belch sets some towels on his bed, "Set her down here" he tells Henry. Setting me down gently, he puts his hand on the side of my face and rubs it with his thumb. The other 2 were helping Belch get stuff. Victor was getting some water and a snack for after they get me cleaned up, and Patrick was looking for one of Belch's shirts for me to wear while they wash and clean my clothes. Belch starts cleaning up the blood. He told the boys to wait downstairs, and they left the room.

He looks at me, he looked so uncomfortable, "I know this is gonna sound uncomfortable, but could you uhm... take your clothes off?" I looked at him shocked, "Wh-what?" I asked him, thinking I heard him wrong. He looks so uncomfortable now, "I can't properly clean your wounds cause your clothes are in the way..." I could tell he didn't want me to, but needed me to. I nod, "Y-you may need to help me. It hurts a lot to move..." He nods and helps me take my clothes off. I was left in only my bra and underwear. "I know this is really uncomfortable for you, so I asked the boys to leave. I won't try anything with you. I wouldn't do that to you." He said, I smile uncomfortably and nod. "I'll try and fix you up quickly so you can put something on. But I won't rush so I don't hurt you or accidentally mess something up."

~3rd Person Pov because I've tired of going back and change everything from "you" to "me" or "my" every time I start talking in 3rd person on accident~

As Belch cleans you up, he does so as gently as he could. He was scared he'd hurt you more and make you feel more pain. Once he was done bandaging and cleaning you up, he smiled. He hands you his shirt to put on, "It's the only thing that's small enough you won't look like a drowned rat" he looks away, embarrassed. You giggle and remember he has to help. "I n-need help" you say, looking up at him. He looks back at you and nods.

He helps you put the shirt on and helps you stand up. You didn't know what came over you, but you asked him to lean down a bit. As soon as he did, you kissed his cheek. You immediately become shocked, and your face goes red, "I-I uhm, that was a th-thank you gift for fi-fixing me up!" You quickly say, and you look away. His face goes red, and he grabs your clothes. He holds them in his hands as he helps you downstairs and to the rest of the boys.

They look over, and their face all become a tint of pinks and reds. "Vic, could you put these in the washer?" Belch asks Victor, holding out your clothes. He nods and gets up, taking your clothes to the washer. Belch helps you sit down. You sit down next to Henry with Patrick on the other side. Belch walks off to help Victor clean the clothes and put stuff away that he got out to fix you up. This left you in between Henry and Patrick.

The boys noticed the only thing you had on was Belch's shirt, realizing you had no pants on their faces become hot. I mean, come on, it's Henry Bowers and Patrick Hocksetter for christ sake. Patrick became anxious. The boys won't admit it, but they all kinda liked you. Henry liked you since the day you saved Ben. Patrick liked you since they met you. He wasn't really sure how he felt about you till the day you went missing. And Victor liked you since he helped you find your classes. Belch liked you ever since he saw Henry carry you out of the woods when they found you.

Patrick took the blanket of the back of the couch he looked at Henry and nodded. Patrick tossed the blanket over the you, and both him and Henry tucked it over your legs so you'd feel more comfortable. You smile, and the three of you just wait for Belch and Victor. Patrick turned the TV on. The three of you watched it first a few minutes.

The other two finally came back and sat on the other couch. After a while, you began to feel tired. You slowly fall asleep and eventually slump over a little. Victor noticed and faked coughed to get the other three's attention. When they looked over at him, he just pointed at you. They all looked at you now, smiling to themselves. You slowly lean against Henry's shoulderand he gently pulls you onto his lap and lays your head against his shoulder and chest. Now you were sleeping against Henrys chest. After an hour or two, you are woken up by the boys. You look at them with sleep in your eyes. They thought it was cute, "Hey y/n, it's getting late. Want us to take you home now?" You nod. You yawn and lay your head against Henry's chest and slowly fall back asleep. The boys smile and take you home. Your parents weren't home yet, so they took you inside and laid you on your bed. Then Belch drops off the boys.

~Word Count 1079~

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