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WITH SUHO AND SEOJUN BEING dragged off by the teacher towards the principals office to which Iris knew wasn't going to end well for them and that they would most likely get some sort of punishment for their fight just earlier, she found herself sitting anxiously in her homeroom, waiting for Suho and Seojun to return and see the outcome of the situation.

Unlike Iris though, the rest of the student body seemed to be enjoying the incident that had happened, given that it was rare for there to be any sort of drama in a school like Saebom High. People from both Iris' class and even other classes joined them in homeroom, gushing about what had happened and even coming up with theories on what the cause behind Seojun and Suhos little disbute could've been.

Most of them were far fetched and not even close to the real thing that had happened. Some thought it had something to do with Seojun asking Iris out and as a result Suho getting jealous, while others said it was the opposite. Some even went as far as saying Iris was dating one of them which caused the other to become jealous. But everyone agreed that it was some sort of weird love triangle and Iris was the root for it. 

Iris tuned most of their discussion out given that she knew the whole thing and her head would only hurt if she tried explaining to them what had really happened. Besides, she had bigger problems to worry about than some silly little rumors spread by people who she didn't even know existed up until now.

Though there was some weird tension around her and Suho now, Iris still cared for him and hoped that he wouldn't get into too much trouble given that he had been the one caught trying to punch Seojun, despite the fact that he was the one that actually got punched.

Iris continued bouncing her legs and fidgeted with her hands as she anxiously stared at the door of the classroom wondering where the two boys could've been. It had been thirty minutes since they had been gone after all.

"So, who are you going to choose Iris?" one of Iris' classmates suddenly spoke up causing her to be broken out of her thoughts. When she turned her head, she saw that the whole crowd of students that had initially been around Sua, Taehoon and Soojin were now gathered infront of her desk, staring at her for an answer.

Iris however cleared her throat, nervous by all the attention on her and unsure of what the question meant, "What do you mean?" she asked.

Hyun-Ji however laughed at her confused face as it seemed to resemble a lost puppy, "Suho and Seojun. They both asked you out after all." she explained.

Upon hearing that, Iris practically jumped out of her seat. Now sitting up straighter she stared at the crowd in confusion, wondering how all the gossip had circulated to this. They weren't actually buying any of this, right? 

"What? Who told you that?" 

However, instead of taking Iris' answer seriously, the students just chuckled, "Oh come on Iris. Nobody needed to say anything. It was obvious based on what went down in the cafeteria." another one of Iris' classmates stated.

At this, Hyun-Gyu perked up, "Yeah when Suho grabbed Seojun, it's clear it was because he was jealous and thought you were going to choose Seojun instead of him." he said as he adjusted his spectacles. 

Iris was about to respond to that allegation, when another girl who she didn't seem to recognize as any one of her classmates cut her off before she could do so, "And when Seojun punched him, it was obvious it was because he felt threatened by Suho."

Everyone began chattering one again at this, now adding even more theories and questions for Iris. Before she could speak up again though, Taehoon stepped in for her and hushed everyone. Iris was grateful for this and mentally noted to thank the boy later, however his next actions made her think again.

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