Chapter 2- Hope

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"Yes... yes, that would be great! Thank you," I say cheerfully into the phone, watching Harry eat his sandwich from across the dining room table. I stir my tea, listening to Ms. Peterson putting dishes away in the kitchen.

I am talking to my boss, Mr. Richards, from the grocery shop, discussing the topic of finally coming back to work again. I had told him that I needed to quit for awhile to stay home due to a family emergency. He is such a nice, generous man that he told me to take a month off but would continue to send me my paychecks. It was such a kind gesture that I may never be able to repay him for his generosity.

"Alrighty, I will see you tomorrow then!" I exclaim, before thanking him once more and hanging up the phone. I sigh happily and set the phone down on the glass, dining room table. I look up at Harry who has stopped eating his sandwich and is looking at me annoyedly.

"What?" I ask, blinking in confusion. He shakes his head and picks up his sandwich again, taking a bite out of it.

"Harry, what's the problem?" I ask again, prodding him for a response. He sets his sandwich down and wipes his mouth with a napkin, letting out a deep sigh after he swallows.

"I told you that you did not have to go back to work," he mutters, glaring at me. I sigh in frustration and shake my head, running my hands down my face.

"Harry, I refuse to live off of someone else's money. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing something like that. Come on, we talked about this!" I respond, gesturing with my hands. He puts his hands on his thighs and blinks at me in frustration.

"But, Louis," he begins, pausing to gather his words, "I do not mean to brag, but you and I both know that I make more than enough money to support the both of us," he says slowly, taking a deep breath after he has finished speaking.

"Yes, Harry, I know that," I respond quickly, barely giving him a second to finish his sentence. "But I would feel so guilty, honey. Don't get me wrong, your offer is so generous and thoughtful, but I need to draw the line there," I finish, looking up at him from under my eyelashes. He stares at me intensely, sighing loudly in annoyance as he picks up his sandwich once more.

"Whatever," he scoffs before taking another bite out of the sandwich. I shake my head and stand up, scooting my chair in. I pick up my tea and stroll into the living room, feeling Harry's eyes on my back. I try to ignore it as I pace around the large room, looking at all of the picture frames on the wall. It is funny to me that I have never taken the time to notice or admire the few photographs hanging on the wall or sitting on the mantle of the stone fireplace. The paintings and works of art on the walls outnumber the small quantity of actual pictures.

I take a sip of my tea, admiring a picture of a very beautiful woman, holding a small child in her lap. I lean in a bit closer, smiling happily to myself when I can recognize the child as Harry. I lower the tea cup from my mouth, holding it in both hands as I stare fondly at the picture. He looks so happy as a little boy, smiling wide and cheekily as his mother kisses his cheek in the photo.

Where is Harry's mother?

Actually, where is Harry's family?

I furrow my brows as I begin to think about Harry's family. None of them ever visited the hospital when Harry was hurt, nor has he spoken a word about them. I wonder if anyone even told them about the incident involving Harry...

It all makes no sense as I continue looking at the family photographs. There's the one with Harry and his mum, another with Harry as a toddler and a little girl who looks a bit older, presumably his sister, and one, bigger portrait of Harry, the little girl, and his parents. I admire the picture, hearing footsteps approaching the living room. I continue looking at the pictures, wanting Harry to know that I am interested in his family. I can hear Harry release a gentle sigh from the doorway.

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