Chapter 28- Always On My Mind The Final Chapter

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October 13th, 2015

Dear Diary,

Well, so far, this has been the best three days of my entire life. I am having so much fun with Harry, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. I am so excited by the fact that we have a whole, four days left in this beautiful, magical city.

We have big plans for today! We are going to have fun around the city all day before we head out to a very fancy dinner at an unknown place. Harry refuses to tell me the location, wanting to make it a surprise. And then... we get to do what I have been waiting to do this whole trip...

Visit the museum!

I am literally shaking with excitement. I have a feeling that seeing my painting for a second time is going to be just as thrilling as the first time I saw it. To think that millions of people have looked at my painting over the past year makes the butterflies in my stomach go nuts.

I'm sitting here, just thinking back to one year ago, smiling like a fool as I reminisce back to when Harry and I first met. Exactly one year ago, at the museum, Harry and I locked eyes, having absolutely no clue about what was in store for us as a couple.

Dear god, we have been through so much together, good and bad. It is absolutely crazy how close we have become over the course of a year, even though it feels like it has been a century. I honestly feel like I have known Harry my whole life. I have never been so close to someone; so close that I can be completely honest and open with them, being able to freely tell them absolutely anything.

That is what has kept Harry and I so close; we are honest, truthful, and real with each other. A lot of people fail to realize that honesty is the glue that holds a relationship together. You can't make things work by living a lie.

And we both have learned that the hard way.

Luckily, we were able to mend our relationship back together when it fell apart. It wasn't easy, but I thank God every day for helping us through all of the tough times that we struggled with. Believe me, I know that there are going to be many more difficult and sad times, but I have total faith that we will be able to manage things better and push through with ease.

And if Harry and I work together to fix things like we usually do, we will be able to dissolve our problems to nothing.

Because when Harry and I work as a team...

We are unstoppable.


I take a deep breath as I finish writing, clicking the pen and laying it down on the bed next to me. I stare intently at the page of writing, taking in every, single word, knowing that this will be the last time I get to look at this particular diary entry.

I never reread any of my diary entries.

I bookmark the next, empty page with the pen, slowly closing the diary with a content sigh. I smile softly and reach over to open the drawer of the bedside table, putting the diary in and closing it.

I listen as familiar footsteps make their way across the sitting room, entering the bedroom. I smile as Harry walks in, his eyes lighting up when he sees me.

"You're awake!" he exclaims happily, running over and playfully jumping onto the bed. I squeal and laugh as he begins to attack my face with kisses. I smile wide and giggle hard, thrashing around and trying to get him to stop.

"Harry! Harry, stop! That tickles!" I say laughingly, watching as Harry plants a gentle kiss on my nose, pulling away slowly.

"Happy One Year!" he exclaims excitedly, gently pressing his lips against mine. I giggle and flutter my eyelashes slightly, gently stroking the back of his hair.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now