Chapter 13- Whisper

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Louis' POV:

"Louis," a gravelly, deep voice says quietly, slowly pulling me out of my unconscious, sleep state. I turn over in bed, closing my eyes tight and groaning slightly.

"Louis," the voice prods once again, making me swallow hard and let out a sleepy sigh.

"Go away," I whine in a distressed tone, trying my best to burrow deep into the duvet. Suddenly, I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently.

"Louis, come on. Wake up," the voice continues to badger, making my throat go dry in anger. I grumble to myself and scoot further and further away from him. I feel the familiar hand quickly grab my arm, preventing me from moving any further away.

"Harry! Knock it off!" I shout, yanking my arm out of his grip and sighing heavily, sinking back into the pillow. I hear a slight chuckle, making me clench my jaw in annoyance. I try my best to fall back asleep, but I jump a bit when Harry clears his throat loudly.

"Come, stir, stir, stir! The second cock hath crowed. The curfew bell hath rung. 'Tis three o'clock!" Harry exclaims dramatically, making my eyes fly open when he is finished. I sit up slowly, turning my head to look at him with a sleepy, yet shocked and annoyed look on my face.

"No you didn't," I grumble, trying to appear that I am annoyed even though I can almost feel the amusement burning in my eyes. Harry stares at me with bright eyes and a smirk, standing beside the bed, fully dressed for the day.

"Oh, yes I did," he responds with a laugh, crossing his arms and staring amusedly at me.

"Wait a minute, did Harry Edward Styles... the, Harry Edward Styles, just quote Shakespeare?!" I exclaim with a howl of laughter, suddenly very awake. He rolls his eyes in annoyance and shifts his arms to put his hands on his hips.

"Don't get too excited. I looked it up on the computer this morning just to spite you," he says matter-of-factly with a smirk, putting his hands up in defense to shield himself from the pillow I quickly chuck at his face.

"Douchebag," I mutter under my breath, turning over and flopping back down in bed, pulling the duvet tightly around me.

"Hey, hey! Watch it," he warns playfully, reaching over to rip the covers off of me. I gasp and growl angrily, trying my best to grab the duvet back from him. I fail miserably, falling back against the pillow with a slight pout, wrapping my arms around my cold body. I really should start sleeping in more than just boxers.

"You are so cute," Harry coos, leaning down to kiss my lips gently, still holding the duvet out of my reach. I allow him to kiss me once before quickly pushing him away.

"Are you always this obnoxious in the mornings?! I fucking hate morning people," I snort, crossing my arms playfully. Harry raises his eyebrows and puts his hand on his chest, acting offended by my remarks.

"Ouch, that hurt," he mutters, rolling his eyes. "Louis, I would let you sleep longer, but it is already ten-thirty and I have a surprise waiting for you downstairs," he says confidently, cocking an eyebrow at me. I blink confusedly at him, wondering what he means by "surprise."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I snip at him, picking at my nails as I lie in bed. Harry's eyes widen and he shakes his head while clicking his tongue, obviously appalled by my attitude.

"Louis Tomlinson! Why are you being such a bitch?" he asks in a laughing tone, crawling onto the bed and attacking me with neck kisses. I gasp and squeal, trying to squirm away from him.

"We don't put up with grumpy moods in this house anymore!" he exclaims with a chuckle, kissing me all over. "Somebody must be on their MANstrual cycle this week!" he shouts, making me bust out laughing.

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