Chapter 10- The Reason

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"Harry, you have to hold still!" I exclaim with an amused laugh, nuzzling my nose in the back of his hair lovingly. He sighs loudly and shakes his head with a slight laugh.

"Why again are we doing this?" he asks in a playfully annoyed tone, tapping his fingertips on the countertop. I giggle and lean down to kiss his cheek gently.

"Because I want to," I respond confidently, smiling cheekily as I continue to carefully move corresponding pieces of his hair around.

We both got bored after breakfast, so we somehow went from eating to braiding hair. Well, me braiding Harry's hair, that is. And to put it nicely, he is not so thrilled with the process. I scooted one of the kitchen stools behind Harry's, putting me at a good height to work with his hair. I kneel up on the stool behind him as I slowly braid his long, wavy hair.

"Ugh, how long is this going to take?" he groans, flipping through the newspaper as he reads. I bite my tongue gently, holding in a giggle as I exchange an amused look with Ms. Peterson. She laughs silently and continues to put clean dishes away, shaking her head as she does.

I gave up awhile ago on actually trying to make it look good, now only goofing around and making the braids look ridiculous. I used to braid my sisters' hair all the time when I was younger, (shocker), and I still remember how to do a bunch of different braids.

I braided the sides of Harry's head, being the only part that actually looks good, and now I am making a bunch of tiny braids that hang down in the back. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from bursting into laughter at any second. I truly think he still believes that I am trying to make his hair look good, and I plan on playing into it as much as I can.

"Looks great, Mr. Styles!" Ms. Peterson manages to say with a straight face, causing me to have to quickly slap a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. Her eyes sparkle with amusement as Harry continues to read the paper.

"I trust your opinion, Ms. Peterson," Harry says with a small smile, flipping a page in the newspaper as he looks up at her. She smiles and giggles slightly, quickly turning around before she starts laughing any harder.

I finally get the last braid done, sitting back on my haunches to admire my work. I giggle slightly before leaning forward to wrap my arms around his neck from behind. I plant a gentle kiss on his temple, smiling happily down at him as he turns his head. He connects our lips in a passionate kiss, pulling away slowly with a content expression.

"All done," I say happily, excited to see what his reaction is. I plan on pretending that I tried really hard on doing his hair nice. Well, I did try really hard, but not on making it look good...

I watch as he pulls out his phone, opening the front camera. His eyes widen a bit when he sees himself, blinking quickly with a small smile. I rest my elbow on the back of the kitchen stool, my hand over my mouth in amusement. I watch as Ms. Peterson leans on the counter, waiting for Harry's response.

"Louis, I love it!" he exclaims, obviously lying so he doesn't hurt my feelings. I shake my head from behind him and laugh quietly to myself.

What a twit.

I love my twit though.

I giggle and stroke his shoulders lovingly, watching him admire his hair on the screen.

"So, you really like it?" I ask cheerfully, playing with some of the tiny braids in the back. He smiles and locks his phone, turning his head to peck my lips once.

"Of course I do, babe!" he responds with a smile, making me giggle slightly and kiss him a few more times.

"I especially love these little ones in the back-" he begins before I quickly cut him off with howling laughter. He blinks confusedly and turns around to look at me with his brows furrowed.

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