Chapter 20- Any Other Way

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Louis' POV:

I sit outside of Harry's house on the front steps, looking around at the beautiful, morning sky with the sun rising in the distance. I pull my sweatshirt tight around me, the cool, brisk morning biting at my skin. It has been almost a week since the David situation, my scratches and bruises finally beginning to fade. I look down at my forearms, the faint scratches serving as a reminder of the horrible night at my apartment.

I jump slightly when I hear the quiet sound of the front door clicking open behind me. I hug my knees to my chest, watching a few birds hop around on the driveway.

I smile when I feel strong hands on my shoulders, not turning to look at Harry but simply continuing to watch the birds. He sits on the step above me, pulling me between his legs and holding me close from behind. I lay my head back against his chest, sighing contently at the feeling of being in his arms.

"Who are you and what have you done with Louis?" Harry asks with a chuckle, making me smile and narrow my eyes in confusion as I look up at him.

"You got up before me! It's only seven something," he explains, making me laugh quietly and shrug, nuzzling my face into his neck.

"I woke up and couldn't really go back to sleep. So, I just came out here to think," I respond, watching as the sky progressively gets a little bit brighter by the minute. I feel him nod, watching as he lovingly strokes my torso with his hands.

"Are you okay?" he asks concernedly, kissing my temple. I smile softly and nod, putting my hands over top of his as they caress my body.

"Yes, babe. I'm fine," I respond, closing my eyes and taking in his scent.

"Good," he says confidently, pulling me even closer to him as he nuzzles his nose in my hair. I giggle and crinkle my nose, squeezing his arms a bit tighter around me as he hugs me from behind.

"I don't mean to kill the mood, but Charles called me last night after you feel asleep," Harry says quietly into my hair. I blink quickly and swallow hard, nodding slightly and making a small noise of acknowledgement.

"He says that Ava isn't doing so well. She has lost every bit of her hair and the chemotherapy isn't doing much at all. The cancer cells just keep multiplying and the tumor is getting bigger and bigger," Harry explains, making me bite the inside of my cheek and sigh sadly. I shake my head and look out at the fountain, the water spilling beautifully from tier to tier.

"It's just such a shame," I say quietly, trying not to get too upset this early in the morning. I swallow hard and gently run my fingertips over Harry's hand, closing my eyes. I feel his lips brush against my temple before he turns my head and gently presses his lips against mine. I look at him sadly as he pulls away, gently holding his large hand in both of my small ones.

"I really don't want Ava to die," I whisper in a depressed tone, holding Harry's hand against my cheek. Harry presses his lips into a flat line and leans forward to gently kiss the corner of my mouth.

"I know, baby. I don't want that to happen either, but we just have to wait and see. There's nothing we can do about it at this point," he explains reassuringly, gently pushing my fringe back out of my face. I nod and blink up at him slowly as he runs the backs of his fingers down my face.

"So pretty," he whispers lovingly, lips quirking up into a small smile, his green eyes sparkling wildly. I flush slightly and smile embarrassedly, grabbing his hand and holding it against my cheek once more.

"Thank you," I whisper in response, Harry chuckling quietly and pecking my lips once more.

"So, what would you like to do today?" Harry asks curiously as he stares at my lips. I smile softly and watch as his eyes flicker up to mine.

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