Chapter 26- Meant To Be

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Louis' POV:

I wake up to the sound of Harry talking cheerfully with someone out in the sitting room of the suite, causing me to groan slightly and turn over onto my other side. The blackout curtains are pulled open just slightly so only a small bit of light cascades through the space.

"Ah, oui!" Harry says laughingly to... whoever, the sound of another man talking quickly in French filling the suite, laughing along with Harry.

"Très agréable de vous voir... Merci beaucoup... Oui! Au revoir!" Harry says in a cheerful tone before the sound of the main doors closing echoes throughout the suite. I pull the duvet a little tighter up around me, shivering slightly. For some reason, I am always cold when I first wake up.

I close my eyes and clutch the sheets close to me, listening as Harry walks into the bedroom, his feet shuffling slightly on the polished hardwood. I listen as he hums softly to himself, clearing his throat quietly as he rummages through his suitcase.

I finally gather the motivation to open my eyes, yawning quietly as I sit up in bed, blinking sleepily. I look over at Harry with squinted eyes, actually being able to feel how ridiculous my bed head is at the moment. Harry looks up from his suitcase and smiles happily, his eyes sparkling as he looks over at me.

"Louis! Vous êtes à la hauteur! Je nous commandé un petit déjeuner si vous avez faim!" he quickly rambles in French, not even realizing that he is doing it. He stands up from his crouched position and walks over to the bed with a happy expression plastered on his face. I smirk and raise an eyebrow at him, watching as he furrows his brows in confusion.

"English, Harry," I say in a raspy voice, laughing quietly to myself. He blinks confusedly a few times before it finally registers, causing him to start laughing happily.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, baby," he says, shaking his head in amusement as he gently sits down on the bed, looking over at me fondly. I smile softly and giggle, smoothing out the duvet that is still covering my lower half.

"That is quite alright, honey. Translation?" I ask with a chuckle, blinking slowly over at him. He smiles and runs a hand back through his long hair, laughing a little.

"What I meant to say was... I ordered us some room service breakfast if you are interested," he says with a cocked eyebrow, carefully retying the strings on his pajama pants. I smile happily and nod, shivering slightly.

"That sounds wonderful, Harry," I respond, now realizing that I am actually pretty hungry. Harry crawls over to me slowly on the large bed, gently pecking my lips with a content smile.

"Breakfast in bed?" he asks with a smirk. I smile and bite my lip slightly, nodding as he presses his lips against mine once more.

"Sounds even better," I say with a giggle, Harry scrunching his nose adorably. I watch as he crawls back off of the bed, making me whine, already missing his touch. He chuckles and rolls up the sleeves of his t-shirt, staring admiringly at me.

"You always look so pretty in the mornings," he says quietly, blinking slowly as he stares at me. I flush and make a confused face, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Are you joking?" I ask seriously, reaching up to run my fingers through my messy fringe. Harry quickly shakes his head and checks his phone on the nightstand before looking back up at me.

"Absolutely not! You always look beautiful and you never even have to try," he states confidently, making me blush. I press my lips into a flat line, still not so convinced.

"I love morning Louis just as much as I love any other time Louis," he adds with a smile, beginning to walk out of the bedroom. I blink quickly, my heart fluttering a little bit.

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