Chapter 3- Royals

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I stare at my reflection in the full-body mirror in the bedroom, straightening out my work uniform with my hands. I smile softly, seeing a sleeping Harry in the reflection of the mirror. I take one last look at myself before turning around and walking over to the bed.

Harry lies on his side, the blankets clutched tightly in his hand. His mouth is slightly open as he breathes slowly, the morning light shining beautifully on his flawless skin. I crouch down, gently running the back of my knuckles down his cheek. I allow my hand to run back through his soft, messy hair, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I'll be back this evening," I whisper quietly, standing back up to grab my phone and wallet off of the nightstand. I slip both of the items into the pockets of my pants, taking one, last look at Harry before walking out of the bedroom. I happily make my way down the hallway, walking down the cool, marble staircase.

Yesterday was such a good day for Harry and I. We both were so easily able to talk openly about our thoughts and feelings, as well as Harry's horrific past. But even though many disturbing memories had to he remembered and talked about, it feels great to have them said so they won't have to be explained later on. I know that Harry has not fully opened up to me yet, but I just have to learn to be patient. In fact, I haven't even completely opened up to Harry, so why rush him? Pushing someone to tell you all of their thoughts and feelings is quite ironic when you are still keeping things from that person. I figure that Harry and I will be sticking together for a long time, so why not save some stories, memories, or thoughts for another time?

I stroll into the kitchen, glancing at the clock that reads, '9:12 a.m.' I smile and grab a travel cup from the cabinet, beginning to quickly make my morning tea to take with me. My shift at the store begins at 9:30 this morning, so I need to get a move on. I hum softly to myself, swirling the tea bag around in the hot water when I hear one of the kitchen stools scoot on the hardwood, causing a smile to form on my lips.

"Good morning, Harry," I say softly, knowing it is him without having to turn around. I stir some milk into the hot tea, tasting some of it before putting the spoon in the sink. It is absolutely impossible to ever leave the house without him waking up. I chuckle quietly at the thought.

"Morning," a familiar, deep, sleep-stained voice responds, clearing his throat gently. I turn around and rest my back against the edge of the countertop, happily swirling my tea around in the cup. I look up to lock eyes with green, sleepy ones.

"Why are you up?" I ask curiously, feeling bad that he only received a few hours of sleep. He shrugs slightly, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Just wanted to make sure I was up when you left for your first day back at work," he murmurs slowly, trying to sound happy about the situation even though his facial expression contradicts his positive words. I furrow my brows playfully, walking over to put the lid on the travel cup.

"Mmhmm," I grunt in acknowledgment, being playfully sarcastic. "Sure," I add with a laugh, slowly taking a sip of tea, being careful not to burn myself. Harry narrows his eyes, squinting suspiciously at me.

"What? I am not permitted to wake up to kiss my boyfriend goodbye?" he says, pretending to be hurt. I laugh and shake my head, setting my tea down. I make a dramatic pouty face as I stroll around the counter, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind, nuzzling my face into his neck.

"Permission granted, but we all know the real reason why you are up right now," I giggle, leaning forward a bit to give him access to my lips. He smiles and gently plants a few, consecutive, chaste kisses on my lips, making me smile against his mouth.

"Oh?" he asks curiously, turning sideways on the stool and pulling me in between his legs by my ass. I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning back to make eye contact with him.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now