Chapter 22- Beatrice

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"Good girl, Whisper," I coo lovingly, gently holding Whisper's head as the vet administers her first shots in the back of her neck. She blinks her amber eyes quickly, squirming around a bit. I carefully hold her in place, watching closely as each shot is injected.

"Alright, great job, Whisper!" the vet says praisingly, taking his gloves off and disposing of the shots. I release Whisper's head from my grip, watching as she begins to wiggle happily on the table, her little nails scratching against the metal. I smile wide and pet her head, leaning down to kiss it gently.

"Yay! All done!" I exclaim, making over her and watching as the vet gives her a treat. She eats the bone happily, her tail wagging. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket, startling me a bit. I pull it out, seeing that it is Harry and answering the call.

"Hello?" I ask, looking up at the vet and silently apologizing. He shrugs and smiles, waving me off leisurely. I smile in response and pet Whisper's head, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Hi, honey. How's it going?" Harry asks cheerfully, a bunch of people talking in the background. He had a big meeting today about the London HexCube launch, not being able to come with me to the vet.

"Good, good! Actually, can I call you back once I'm out of the vet? Dr. McGuire wants to talk to me," I explain, feeling a bit bad that I am cutting our conversation short.

"Oh, sure thing, babe. Talk to you in a bit," he responds understandingly, making me smile.

"Alright, love you," I say, giggling silently as Whisper licks my hand.

"Love you, too! Bye," he responds, hanging up the phone after I say goodbye. I stick my phone back in my pocket, smiling apologetically up at Dr. McGuire.

"Sorry about that," I say with a laugh, gently picking up Whisper and holding her in my arms. Dr. McGuire turns back around to me and smiles cheerfully, quickly shaking his head.

"Oh, don't worry about it! No problem at all," he says with a chuckle, grabbing his clipboard and flipping through some papers.

"Well, everything looks great! She is now up-to-date on all of her vaccines. We will send you a little postcard in the mail when she is due for them again. She is a very healthy, happy pup!" he exclaims, folding his hands together and smiling. I smile wide and nod, holding Whisper close.

"Thank you, Dr. McGuire!" I respond joyfully, watching as he opens the door to let us out. The waiting room is filled with many barks, meows... chirps? I smile, waving goodbye to the vet as I walk through the waiting room, noticing that many people are staring at me.

Things have been a bit different lately. There have been way more pictures of me with Harry on the covers of magazines. I try to ignore all of the articles and pictures when I see them, but other people, not so much. People have started to recognize me more in public, sometimes causing me to feel a bit uncomfortable.

I feel as if people are starting to look at me as "Harry Styles' mystery lover" or "Harry Styles' boy toy" instead of "Louis Tomlinson."

I hate it.

If it makes any sense, I feel as if remaining identity-less to the tabloids is giving me an identity that I do not want. I do not want to be known as "Harry Styles' new piece of arm candy"...

I want to be known as Louis.

Because that is who I have always been, currently am, and always will be;


I hold Whisper close to me, keeping my head ducked as I walk out of the vet's office, feeling a bit of relief once I am out in the fresh air. Whisper looks around curiously at the afternoon, London traffic, her ears perked up slightly.

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