Chapter 21- Different

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Louis' POV:

"Louis! I can't even see you!" Ava giggles happily, laughing hard as I hide behind my canvas. I decided to visit Ava in the hospital today because I had some time to spare, but honestly, I really missed her. I brought along two easels and some supplies so we could make some art together. Harry was going to come along with me, but something came up with work and he had to go to the company office instead.

"Sorry, sorry!" I apologize with a laugh, making myself visible from behind the canvas and locking eyes with Ava. She smiles happily and laughs, continuing to examine my face closely as she paints. We set up the easels opposite each other and are currently working on painting the other person.

I admire Ava's adorable face and now, cute, little, bald head. Even without any hair, she is still the most gorgeous, little girl I have ever laid eyes on. I paint happily, the picture coming along quite nicely so far.

I have had to keep a close eye on her, being that we are the only two in the room. I offered for both Charles and Alice to go down to the cafeteria for a quick lunch together while I am here to watch Ava. I figured that they needed a little bit of time to theirselves, even if it's just for a few minutes.

I was told earlier that Ava now has the tendency to fall asleep at random times, the chemotherapy and radiation draining her of most of her energy. I watch closely for any signs that she may doze off, ready to jump up and catch her if she starts to slump over.

"Louis, this is so bad!" she exclaims with a belly laugh, the sound warming my heart. I chuckle and shake my head, looking admiringly over at her.

"I'm sure it's amazing, Ava!" I respond, watching as she smiles happily and shrugs, continuing to paint. I have noticed quite a difference in the way she has been acting since the last time we visited. She is not nearly as hyper, seeming to be a bit drowsy and not fully into what she is working on. But when she does have random bursts of energy, they do not last long and leave her exhausted in just a few seconds. It breaks my heart to see how much she has regressed since the last time I saw her, but she is still as beautiful as ever.

"Louis, what is your famous painting of? You know, the one in the myoo-stam?" she asks adorably, her bright eyes sparkling at me. I smile softly and look over at her, leaning back in my chair a bit as I take a break from painting.

"Well, it was a landscape painting, which means that it was of a scene from nature," I begin to explain, watching as she listens intently, "And it had two people holding hands on a bench, watching the sunset," I continue, watching as she smiles cutely and paints happily.

"Were the people you and Uncle Harry?" she asks curiously, blinking at me joyfully. I smile and chuckle slightly, dipping my brush into a different color after I have rinsed it off in my cup of water.

"Well, I actually painted it before I ever met your Uncle Harry," I respond with a small smile, watching as she tilts her head in confusion.

"Oh... Then, who are the two people?" she questions, making me laugh heartily at her pure curiosity. I blink quickly in thought as my brush freezes on the canvas, not even knowing the answer to the question, myself.

"Ava, to be honest, I don't really know," I admit with a laugh, watching as she giggles in amusement.

"You don't know?! But you painted it!" she exclaims, belly laughing as she continues to paint with a concentrated expression. I smile and admire her as she paints, blinking slowly as I think some more.

"Well, it's really hard to understand, Ava, but sometimes, I like to believe that my heart led me to paint those two people in hopes that I would find the perfect person for me someday," I explain, wondering if the little girl is going to be able to understand what I am getting at. I watch as she thinks for a second and then nods quickly, appearing as if she understands.

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