Chapter 7- Maybe

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To my joyful approval, I wake up a little later this morning than the morning previous. My head and hand are resting on Harry's bare chest, being very careful not to touch his stomach. I watch his eyelashes flutter as he sleeps, a beautiful grin on his relaxed face. I smile and kiss his chest once lovingly, closing my eyes again.

I have been so worried that Harry is going to go into one of his screaming fits if he happens to have a nightmare. There is no doubt that he would wake up the whole house. But so far, so good, and the both of us have had peaceful slumbers every night we have spent here.

I look over at the clock reading, '10:32,' deciding to force myself out of bed. I kiss Harry's neck once before sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up and walk over to the glass doors, carefully opening the curtains just a tad to admire the beautiful, sunny weather. I leave them open just a little bit to allow some morning light to leak into the room, wanting to slowly wake up Harry.

I walk into the bathroom, looking in the mirror as I rub my eyes. I sigh deeply and lean forward, examining my eyes in the mirror before walking over to turn on the shower. I watch the glass of the shower door begin to fog up as the temperature of the water rises inside. My eyes flicker over to the bathroom window, overlooking the vineyards. I smile and admire some of the workers in the distance, pulling grape bunches from the vines, appearing to actually be happy doing their job.

I pull my t-shirt up over my head, tossing it to the floor before sliding my boxers down my legs. I shake them off of my feet, opening the shower door and stepping inside. I stand under the warm water, allowing it to run down over my head, soaking my hair.

I never, ever want to leave Cheshire. I love it here so much more than I was expecting to. It's so nice to be able to get away from the city atmosphere that London has to offer and embrace the beautiful, green countryside that comes along with Holmes Chapel. Don't get me wrong, I love London, but the traffic, the tons of people, and the city can grow a bit obnoxious at times. It's nice to be able to drive on open, country roads, just enjoying every, little detail of the scenery around you.

Holmes Chapel has a great variety of small farms and large ranches, filled with lots of animals and green fields. Never would I actually think that driving around, just for the hell of it, could be fun. But I enjoyed the ride to the ranch so much yesterday that I wanted it to be a longer drive.

I grab the shampoo bottle, squirting some of the gel in my hand before I begin to work it into my hair. I hear the sound of footsteps moving around in the bedroom, a sign that Harry is awake. I smile and knead my fingers through my hair, globs of soap falling down onto the tile of the shower floor before disappearing down the drain.

"Good morning, Louis," a morning-stained, raspy voice greets as the footsteps enter the bathroom. I rinse my hair under the water, allowing the soap to completely dissipate from my brown locks.

"Good morning!" I respond cheerfully, squirting some conditioner into my hand. I rub it around between my palms before applying it to my wet hair, massaging it through. Harry walks up to the shower door, wiping away some of the condensation to look at me.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks with bright eyes. I smile and shake my head, pushing the shower door open to let him in. I watch as he drops his boxers to the floor, stepping inside the shower with me. He gently closes the glass door behind him as I rinse the conditioner out of my hair. He leans down to plant a chaste kiss on my lips as I step out of the way for him to get himself wet. I smile and grab my bottle of face wash off of the shower shelf, admiring him happily as he wets his hair under the water.

"Just a time saver," he explains with a smile, wiping the water away from his eyes with his hands. "I have a big day planned for us, so we need to get going," he states happily, shampooing his hair. I smile wide and nod, extremely curious about what he has planned for today as I wash my body.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now