Chapter 15- Butterfly

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Charles' POV:

I stand in the hospital elevator, a small juice box clutched in my left hand. I stare at the increasing floor numbers as the elevator makes its progressive climb to the seventh floor. I step out of the elevator when the doors open, revealing the very, kid-friendly atmosphere that Harley Street Clinic Children's Hospital has to offer on every, single floor.

I stroll down the hallway, making my way to Ava's hospital room as I look around at the colorful murals on the walls. Ava is absolutely fascinated with these paintings and asks to come out and admire them every day. There are so many murals throughout this floor that I worry Ava may never get to see all of them.

Suddenly, I hear my phone ringing in my pocket, causing me to stop in my tracks and quickly pull it out. I glance at the screen, lighting up with the name Harry Styles. I smile softly and quickly accept the call, raising the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, stepping off to the side of the hallway, leaning my back against the wall.

"Hey, Charles. It's Harry," a very familiar, raspy voice responds through the phone. I grin and look down at the juice box in my hand, aimlessly looking at the picture on the front.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask curiously, a bit comforted and relaxed hearing his voice.

"Oh, nothing much! How is Ava this morning?" he asks in a calming tone as I watch some nurses walk by, chatting cheerfully with each other.

"Pretty good, actually! I feel bad because we had to wake her up really early this morning for another round of chemo. The poor thing is just a bit worn out," I explain, listening to Harry rustling around on the other end of the phone.

"I see," he responds, clearing his throat. "I was going to ask if it would be a good day for Louis and I to come visit! I am leaving for Japan in a few days and I would really like to see Ava before I go," he explains, making me smile wide.

"Oh, of course, Harry! She's going to be so excited!" I exclaim, suddenly in a better mood this morning. I listen as Harry chuckles and clears his throat once more before responding.

"Wonderful! I am so excited to see her. What time would you like us to visit?" he asks curiously, the sounds of a Keurig brewing and Louis talking in the background of the call.

"Well, it is..." I pull my phone away from my ear to check the time, "ten forty-eight as of right now... so, how does noon sound?" I ask happily, beginning to walk down the hallway again at a leisurely pace.

"Alright, sounds good! We'll see you then, Charles!" Harry exclaims, taking a sip of something once he has finished his sentence. I smile and look down at my feet as I walk.

"See you, Harry!"


"Wait, before you go!" I exclaim quickly, switching my phone to the other ear, as well as shifting the juice box to my other hand.


"Harry, I cannot tell you how much everything you have done means to me. I honestly have no idea what we would do without you," I explain, tears pricking at my eyes.

"Oh, Charles, there is no need to thank me! It is the least I could do for everything you have done for me over the years," he responds with a mouthful of food, making me smile.

"Harry, when someone is as generous and warm-hearted as you are, they deserve to have someone tell them," I say firmly, almost reaching Ava's room.

"Well, thank you very much," he responds in an appreciative tone. I smile and gently knock on the decorated door to Ava's hospital room with her name on the outside.

Always On My Mind (Sequel to Always In My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now